Loooooong week but it's my weekend now (thank God!). Saw men who stare at goats which was pretty brilliant, but then the local series how did I get here, which I was really looking forward to, turned out to be a bit of a fizzer, it's essentially the prisoner with a large helping of kiwiana. Considering kiwiana is annoying and the prisoner was recemtly remade...
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quick post, one of the advantages of holidays is the excuse to take a break from shaving. I'm not sure about the look (it is a little patchy, I grow quite a dense beard but sadly about half the bristles come up fair, the other half dark so it looks patchy as hell) I'm almost certainly getting rid of it but thought I'd post here...
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Thanks a lot! how've you been?

Thanks for the comment on my set 

got off work today knowing that I don't have to go back for 9 whole days. I've been at the lab for a year and a half and this is only my second week off, so this is pretty awesome. Sadly, due to the joys of Antipodean living it's the middle of winter but it's going to be good, catch up with friends, drink a...
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thank you! more coming up i promise
Ah, shame,dude. I bet you feel like your heart is being ripped out of you with the very thought of giving up your baby. Hope all goes well.
so, interesting week. New boss has settled in at work making the command structure there even more confused than ever (now it's 10 people in the lab, 7 of them in some form of leadership, I'm one the the three unlucky ones). The new boss has been put in to ease our transition into the new lab, they are merging us with the seed lab...
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I love geeks. 

Interesting week, had my one on one performance review at work, senior management is thrilled with my work, apparently I give 110% at all times, it's nice to feel appreciated. Concerns about junior management mirror my own concerns, those are the people I struggle to impress and they do make life difficult, but at least the people on top are aware of the problem.
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Hello cutie
Thank you for the love on my new set and for the friend request! How is your weekend going?

this is going to be random and will probably tomorrow be replaced with a quick "life is good" post just to replace this. but yeah...
generally, I don't have guy friends, blame my alcoholic dad, call me gay, whatever. At teachers college I was mates with this guy Christian, he's one of those player pimp type guys but he was in all my classes so...
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generally, I don't have guy friends, blame my alcoholic dad, call me gay, whatever. At teachers college I was mates with this guy Christian, he's one of those player pimp type guys but he was in all my classes so...
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Thank you! More soon, that's a promise. 

Life is good, d&d yesterday after a break of forever so it was good to catch up with friends, hopefully a quiet day today and some quality time with my sweet new psp...
hope you all are having a good time
Life is good, d&d yesterday after a break of forever so it was good to catch up with friends, hopefully a quiet day today and some quality time with my sweet new psp...
hope you all are having a good time
hey sweety thx for the add!! xoxo
I hope life since July has been treating you just as well!
probably time for a new post, probably need to leave a couple of groups, leaving the quit smoking group because it's over 5 weeks since my last smoke and 3 weeks since I quit patches. But thats not the big news...
The big news is that I have to leave the retail group. I just quit my retail job because my part time fixed...
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probably time for a new post, probably need to leave a couple of groups, leaving the quit smoking group because it's over 5 weeks since my last smoke and 3 weeks since I quit patches. But thats not the big news...
The big news is that I have to leave the retail group. I just quit my retail job because my part time fixed...
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hey! thanks a lot for supporting me
there surely be more sets to come.

thank you, gorgeous! 

the advantages of living next to the date line...
happy Christmas everyone, hope you have a great day
(even though it might be a few more hours to wait for you
happy Christmas everyone, hope you have a great day
(even though it might be a few more hours to wait for you

Hey you!
Thanks so so much for the friend request!
Hope all is well!
Thanks so so much for the friend request!
Hope all is well!
thanks for request my friendship