I am still around, although my days of posting regularly to either blog or boards are apparently over. Also, I'm moving on Saturday. I knew it had to happen one of these days. This place is just too small for me and it wasn't really intended to be a long term living arrangement, so I've long missed things like having my own thermostat, having a real kitchen, and so on. Come Saturday, that will change. I'm moving to a pretty snazzy 1br (a mere $625 a month, not that much more than I'm paying for my cramped little studio now) much closer to work and with a grocery store within walking distance. Downsides? Well, I'll have to figure out all of my transit arrangements and delivery options over again, and I'll have to pay per load for laundry. Other than that it should be an all around upgrade. I just hate moving so much. 

Ah, whoops. Fail. Sounds like a nice arrangement.
Plus it's near a busline. So at least going to MCTC will be easy.