Today I realized that my entire adult life has been spent under the cloud of George W. Bush and his inexpressibly awful leadership and determination to run this country into the ground. And I spent my teenage years in the Clinton administration when the economy was going gangbusters, the tech industry was a wide open sea of opportunity, and we were getting relatively few American troops killed in ill-advised military adventurism. To graduate into the "real world" and have it all go south pretty much about bad timing.
Here's hoping Obama will reverse the downward spiral that's been the last 8 years. Although at this point I think I might settle for just stopping it in place. What a relief it will be to have a leader that doesn't hate the very institutions he's leading.
Here's hoping Obama will reverse the downward spiral that's been the last 8 years. Although at this point I think I might settle for just stopping it in place. What a relief it will be to have a leader that doesn't hate the very institutions he's leading.