Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes (I am far too lazy to go thank everyone individually.). I wound up hanging out with my friend Eddy. So it was kind of a low key birthday, just entertainment and good food and spending time with people I like (I here include my pre-birthday activities on Saturday with my parents also.) Only present so far's been some microwave cookware from my parents, but that's going to be really handy. And I'm getting to a point in my life where it's hard to buy things for me that I couldn't obtain on my own just as easily, so it's not that surprising that the presenting's died down.
On a non-birthday note: I just discovered something pretty neat. It's a Roguelike called Incursion: Halls of the Goblin King. It's still in a alpha/beta/whatsit state with many of the planned features not implemented and some bugs and such, but it's quite playable. There's a number of design decisions that make it stand out from the pack, but the biggest is simply this: it implements d20 Open Game License content as its fundamental systems. There are some tweaks to fit the format, of course, but it still makes a far deeper, more customizable play experience. This is easily my favorite thing done with the OGL. Almost makes up for people converting things like Call of Cthulhu and Aberrant into d20 despite the seriously poor fit of the ruleset for the material.
On a non-birthday note: I just discovered something pretty neat. It's a Roguelike called Incursion: Halls of the Goblin King. It's still in a alpha/beta/whatsit state with many of the planned features not implemented and some bugs and such, but it's quite playable. There's a number of design decisions that make it stand out from the pack, but the biggest is simply this: it implements d20 Open Game License content as its fundamental systems. There are some tweaks to fit the format, of course, but it still makes a far deeper, more customizable play experience. This is easily my favorite thing done with the OGL. Almost makes up for people converting things like Call of Cthulhu and Aberrant into d20 despite the seriously poor fit of the ruleset for the material.
How does it compare to Market Forces, though? That book was awesome, but very painful.