Trip to Ontario went well. I didnt get to see all the people that I wanted to, even those on my list, but theres nothingto be done about that now. Unless, of course, they wish to come see me in beautiful BC, in which case, Ill gladly take them.
Celebrated my birthday while we were out there, even though it isnt for a few weeks yet. It was lovely though.
I had a great many mini epiphanys while back home. I may be making life changing decisions in the near future. Its both exciting and nerve wracking to think that everything I know now may change drastically.
Im stoked!
I gained a fair bit of weigh ton my trip, but Im hoping to get it all off again within a week or so.
Have a tattoo appointment soon, to add more to my chest piece. It hurt like a bitch, but Im excited to have it finished.
So many things to do, so little time!.....or is there?
[end transmission]
Celebrated my birthday while we were out there, even though it isnt for a few weeks yet. It was lovely though.
I had a great many mini epiphanys while back home. I may be making life changing decisions in the near future. Its both exciting and nerve wracking to think that everything I know now may change drastically.
Im stoked!
I gained a fair bit of weigh ton my trip, but Im hoping to get it all off again within a week or so.
Have a tattoo appointment soon, to add more to my chest piece. It hurt like a bitch, but Im excited to have it finished.
So many things to do, so little time!.....or is there?
[end transmission]
changes are scary, yes, but good, methinks