[music] Kyoto Song-The Cure
[book]The Salmon of Doubt-Douglas Adams
Busy as hell recently. Lots of work. And, Ive been out taking pictures, which is very exciting.
Ive also been trying to go to the gym a little more frequently. I go once a week, and wonder why it doesnt work.
I did, in fact, dye my hair. First off, Id like to thank everyone for their suggestions. i loved them all, especially since they all tended towards a few shades, rather then every color in the spectrum. Here is the results (for now, it will, in fact, change in a week or two)
[book]The Salmon of Doubt-Douglas Adams
Busy as hell recently. Lots of work. And, Ive been out taking pictures, which is very exciting.
Ive also been trying to go to the gym a little more frequently. I go once a week, and wonder why it doesnt work.

I did, in fact, dye my hair. First off, Id like to thank everyone for their suggestions. i loved them all, especially since they all tended towards a few shades, rather then every color in the spectrum. Here is the results (for now, it will, in fact, change in a week or two)
Lets get one thing straight. It was SUPPOSED to be red. I have yet to figure out why it is not. But, on the upside, I do look good in orange. I guess.
Do you like?
[end transmission]
you've such a wonderful, interesting look

I was one of the dark red suggesters, but I really like the orange.
I'm actually not sure what you would have to do not to look good!