[music]Solvent-Skinny Puppy
[book]Strange Angels-Kathe Koja
Had an awesome shoot on Sunday. Got to shoot one of my photographers, and Im rather proud of how they went {see some pics at Flickr}
Got BMEfest and a nice trip to Toronto planned for this weekend. Excited about dinner on Friday with someone I havent seen in ages.
Planning a cross country move for January. Its early, I know, but its a far distance.
[book]Strange Angels-Kathe Koja
Had an awesome shoot on Sunday. Got to shoot one of my photographers, and Im rather proud of how they went {see some pics at Flickr}
Got BMEfest and a nice trip to Toronto planned for this weekend. Excited about dinner on Friday with someone I havent seen in ages.
Planning a cross country move for January. Its early, I know, but its a far distance.
[end transmission]
i saw you inn the hopefulls group and my immediate reaction was "woooah cute chick cute chick!!!!"
so there!