's been just over a month since my last post.
Since I'm on a netbook, I'll save my mass amount of photos from the past 2 months for a single giant post from a slightly faster computer that has image editing software on it
For now you get the "Brief Text Update of Reassurance":
Fallout Costume:
I have yet to post photos from Anime North. Next time...I promise.
SGCanadaEast Gala:
I missed the Gala due to a previously scheduled cottage trip. I didn't realize that they were the same weekend...and well...if I had gone to the Gala and not the cottage, I would have been dateless for the x-th Gala in a row. I was bloody out of it that day anyway and passed out by 9p.m. I would've been a lame Gala guest 
Cottage photos: Bull Frogs! Snakes! Clean Air! Mystery Bird! All Coming Soon!
I had to quit day-school due to my health being on a gradual decline. I switched all of my courses over to e-Learning so I can do it at home when I can. I was able to bring the work with me to the cottage too. I'm not getting through it as quickly as I had hoped, but at least I'm getting through it. I'm halfway through 2 out of the last 3 courses that I need for university, which will more than likely have to wait until next year it's OK.
One more fucking week until my ultra-sound. I can't believe that it took a fucking month and a half to get an appointment! I guess this is a "special" appointment since it's for my thyroid and not my non-existent uterine parasite ("Bitter much?").
Nerdliness in one run-on sentence:
I got Elite status with Club Nintendo again this year, I'm playing Fallout 3 again non-stop (80 hours and counting!), I got an R4 card for my DSi XL so that I can play Japanese Dating Sims (Anyone know where to get a translated version of Love Plus?), I have found my long lost love: Sim City 2000 (!!!), and...I found the most adorable Shojo-ai: KashiMashi: Girl Meets Girl.
That's all until my ultimate photo update...and the inevitable ultra-sound results
Since I'm on a netbook, I'll save my mass amount of photos from the past 2 months for a single giant post from a slightly faster computer that has image editing software on it

For now you get the "Brief Text Update of Reassurance":
Fallout Costume:
I have yet to post photos from Anime North. Next time...I promise.
SGCanadaEast Gala:
I missed the Gala due to a previously scheduled cottage trip. I didn't realize that they were the same weekend...and well...if I had gone to the Gala and not the cottage, I would have been dateless for the x-th Gala in a row. I was bloody out of it that day anyway and passed out by 9p.m.

Cottage photos: Bull Frogs! Snakes! Clean Air! Mystery Bird! All Coming Soon!
I had to quit day-school due to my health being on a gradual decline. I switched all of my courses over to e-Learning so I can do it at home when I can. I was able to bring the work with me to the cottage too. I'm not getting through it as quickly as I had hoped, but at least I'm getting through it. I'm halfway through 2 out of the last 3 courses that I need for university, which will more than likely have to wait until next year it's OK.

One more fucking week until my ultra-sound. I can't believe that it took a fucking month and a half to get an appointment! I guess this is a "special" appointment since it's for my thyroid and not my non-existent uterine parasite ("Bitter much?").
Nerdliness in one run-on sentence:
I got Elite status with Club Nintendo again this year, I'm playing Fallout 3 again non-stop (80 hours and counting!), I got an R4 card for my DSi XL so that I can play Japanese Dating Sims (Anyone know where to get a translated version of Love Plus?), I have found my long lost love: Sim City 2000 (!!!), and...I found the most adorable Shojo-ai: KashiMashi: Girl Meets Girl.

That's all until my ultimate photo update...and the inevitable ultra-sound results

How is Squeek?

It was fantastic catching up with you last weekend! Hopefully I'll see you at Whedonfest as well (the 11th is the last day to buy tickets apparently).