It's been a while since I've posted, huh?
Today I am a sad panda, as I am too sick to head on out to this wonderful Rue Morgue event this evening:

If you are in the Toronto area, don't miss this event! Looks like it's going to be a blast!
...and now on to the "for serious" stuff...
I finally went to see a specialist today about my chronic neck/shoulder/back pain. After some X-Rays, it turns out that I have calcification on my thyroid and trachea. The ones on my trachea look like rings. From my "expert" internet research team, lead by Wiki, she found that it is more than likely Parathyroid disease. There is a possibility of some slightly scarier diagnoses, but of course, we are both far from being doctors, so I'll just have to wait and see after the blood work and ultrasound results come back. Regardless, anything that Wiki and I found were all very treatable, though I will more than likely have to have surgery. Everyone cross their fingers for me!!
Some fantastic news is that as a reward for my "good behaviour" over the past few weeks, my b/f got me a DSi XL!
Apparently my new medication is helping a fair bit with my mood/behaviour.
Speaking of which, I don't talk about this a whole lot in my journal seeing as it's fairly personal, but if you look at what SG Groups I'm in, it should be pretty obvious. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder almost 2 years ago, as well as Clinical Depression and ADHD a while back. I've been attending therapy and taking ADHD meds since the time that I was diagnosed with Borderline, though no meds were prescribed for that. About 3 weeks ago, after suffering through months of heavy depression, I finally sucked up my pride and asked my doctor for some anti-depressants. According to the b/f and friends, my mood has improved significantly since starting them, and I am certainly feeling a whole lot better. It took a lot for me to admit that I might need medication, but I have to keep reminding myself that I can't do all that much about a chemical imbalance.
This actually relates back to the thyroid issue, as all of my psychiatric symptoms could actually be from a thyroid issue! How fucked up is that? It upsets me to think that I've gone through all these years of back pain, mental anguish, sleepless nights, and difficulties in school only to find out that a simple surgery could have taken it all away years ago.
Regardless, I'm getting it seen to now, and hopefully this means that whatever the issue is, it can be taken care of for good. I have to remember how much better I could be both physically and emotionally after this, and that perhaps I can have some normality restored to my life. There is of course a whole pile of speculation on my part as for the diagnosis, but at least I'm staying on the positive side of what this could be. Again, keep those fingers crossed!
As for school, it has been going well, though I am fast approaching the cut off for turning in my transcripts to the University. So, I will be spending the rest of this weekend finishing up to the "midterm" point of my English course. This is so that I can get a letter for that mark on top of the three other completed course marks that I'll be getting a transcript for on Monday. This all has to be handed in before May 12th, so I have to move my ass to get this stuff completed!
That's all for now, though don't forget to check out my Etsy Print Shop! Since I'm doing course upgrading and not college/university yet, I didn't qualify for a student loan. I'm getting right near the end of my upgrade courses, so my money situation is becoming a problem. Every little bit counts, so a huge thank you to those that purchase prints!
Today I am a sad panda, as I am too sick to head on out to this wonderful Rue Morgue event this evening:

If you are in the Toronto area, don't miss this event! Looks like it's going to be a blast!
...and now on to the "for serious" stuff...
I finally went to see a specialist today about my chronic neck/shoulder/back pain. After some X-Rays, it turns out that I have calcification on my thyroid and trachea. The ones on my trachea look like rings. From my "expert" internet research team, lead by Wiki, she found that it is more than likely Parathyroid disease. There is a possibility of some slightly scarier diagnoses, but of course, we are both far from being doctors, so I'll just have to wait and see after the blood work and ultrasound results come back. Regardless, anything that Wiki and I found were all very treatable, though I will more than likely have to have surgery. Everyone cross their fingers for me!!
Some fantastic news is that as a reward for my "good behaviour" over the past few weeks, my b/f got me a DSi XL!

Speaking of which, I don't talk about this a whole lot in my journal seeing as it's fairly personal, but if you look at what SG Groups I'm in, it should be pretty obvious. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder almost 2 years ago, as well as Clinical Depression and ADHD a while back. I've been attending therapy and taking ADHD meds since the time that I was diagnosed with Borderline, though no meds were prescribed for that. About 3 weeks ago, after suffering through months of heavy depression, I finally sucked up my pride and asked my doctor for some anti-depressants. According to the b/f and friends, my mood has improved significantly since starting them, and I am certainly feeling a whole lot better. It took a lot for me to admit that I might need medication, but I have to keep reminding myself that I can't do all that much about a chemical imbalance.
This actually relates back to the thyroid issue, as all of my psychiatric symptoms could actually be from a thyroid issue! How fucked up is that? It upsets me to think that I've gone through all these years of back pain, mental anguish, sleepless nights, and difficulties in school only to find out that a simple surgery could have taken it all away years ago.
Regardless, I'm getting it seen to now, and hopefully this means that whatever the issue is, it can be taken care of for good. I have to remember how much better I could be both physically and emotionally after this, and that perhaps I can have some normality restored to my life. There is of course a whole pile of speculation on my part as for the diagnosis, but at least I'm staying on the positive side of what this could be. Again, keep those fingers crossed!
As for school, it has been going well, though I am fast approaching the cut off for turning in my transcripts to the University. So, I will be spending the rest of this weekend finishing up to the "midterm" point of my English course. This is so that I can get a letter for that mark on top of the three other completed course marks that I'll be getting a transcript for on Monday. This all has to be handed in before May 12th, so I have to move my ass to get this stuff completed!
That's all for now, though don't forget to check out my Etsy Print Shop! Since I'm doing course upgrading and not college/university yet, I didn't qualify for a student loan. I'm getting right near the end of my upgrade courses, so my money situation is becoming a problem. Every little bit counts, so a huge thank you to those that purchase prints!

Have you met the transcript deadline? Hope so. I've got my fingers crossed.
Since you've been talking about things openly, I have to say that I'm really glad you're opening up publicly about things. I've always had the idea that it's easier to deal with stuff when everyone knows you're trying to deal with it, rather than keep it to yourself, or even just sharing it with a couple people.
Of course, if you have any more secrets, I'm happy to listen.
Hope that whatever is causing the calcification isn't serious and can be treated. I know that it can be intriguing to hope that psychiatric problems are caused by something physical and can then be treated, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, cuz it's not usually the case.
I am glad the meds seem to be working these days. Yay!
Kudos to you for taking big steps to get things sorted out, and you know that my fingers are always crossed on your behalf. You're a wonderful person and I want you to be well and happy!