Thursday Mar 25, 2010 Mar 25, 2010 0 Facebook Tweet Email Wizard World Comic Convention tomorrow!! I will be at the SG booth all weekend doing photo ops and signing autographs along-side some very sexy ladies!! Geekery and sexy ladies...what more could one ask for? VIEW 9 of 9 COMMENTS aldremech: Geekery and sexy ladies? I didn't think there was anything else I imagine you had quite a good time. Mar 29, 2010 northern: How was Comic Con? Did you hear back about your university/college applications? A couple entries ago, you posted this: Non-video game life in the last 30 days... I... heart-broken...x2. Made me sad. I've learned not to pry with you, so I won't ask. But I hope things are better now. Apr 3, 2010
I imagine you had quite a good time.
Did you hear back about your university/college applications?
A couple entries ago, you posted this:
Non-video game life in the last 30 days...
I... heart-broken...x2.
Made me sad. I've learned not to pry with you, so I won't ask. But I hope things are better now.