I just pre-ordered Pokemon SoulSilver!
I hadn't really read all that much about it until today; I didn't realize that it comes with a little pedometer/mini game device! It's nice to see that Nintendo has very sneakily included something that will get gamers off their asses!
It's called a "Pokewalker". It communicates with your DS cartridge to transfer Pokemon, as well as with other Pokewalkers, which I can only assume is going to be for battling. People are going to have a fucking field day with these things at Anime conventions!
The part that I really like is the pedometer. You have to actually walk around to gain watts, which are currency in the game used to unlock new areas, and spent to use the "Itemfinder". Of course, I expect that some less physically active people are going to figure out ways to simulate walking so that they don't have to do it themselves! I imagine the constructing of something similar to a miniature paint mixer, or leaving it on an old washer, or attaching it to a vibrator....who knows, but the lazies always figure out some way to cheat!
Oh, and of course...the game play of the actual game (SoulSilver) isn't much to report on. This is a remake, so the game play looks to be basically the same as Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. This isn't a bad thing! I love Pokemon games, but I don't really think that there is anything more that they could really improve on; they're already great games!
I said that I would report back after playing Muscle March for the Wii, and here I am...reporting!
This game reminds me so much of Katamari Damacy...same sort of Japanese wackiness, an apparent obsession with zoo animals, quirky J-pop music, and a variety of strange levels and background action.
The game play is simple: make one of four "muscle" poses with the Wiimote and nunchuk to fit through holes in walls left by the asshole thieves that you are chasing. These guys stole your fucking protein powder! GIT EM'!
After catching up to them, you use the Wiimote and nunchuk to make very fast "running" motions to go in for a running-leap-tackle-takedown!
This game actually gave my arms a good workout...something which the website promoted, but I figured that they were just trying to be funny.
The game is extremely responsive to the Wiimote/nunchuk movements, so for those very last minute motions, it fucking works. This is something that I am not used to with many Wii games, and it was rather refreshing.
For an extremely short game, it actually gives you plenty of bang for the 5 bucks spent on it! It's a lot of fun, lots of laughs while playing, and it even has a multiplayer mode. Huzzah!
Oh ya, and I guarantee that you will feel at least 100 times more manly after playing this game....
Don't forget to check out my Etsy Shop! Malice needs to pay the bills!
And also...
Member Review Sets:
Classic Girl

I hadn't really read all that much about it until today; I didn't realize that it comes with a little pedometer/mini game device! It's nice to see that Nintendo has very sneakily included something that will get gamers off their asses!

It's called a "Pokewalker". It communicates with your DS cartridge to transfer Pokemon, as well as with other Pokewalkers, which I can only assume is going to be for battling. People are going to have a fucking field day with these things at Anime conventions!
The part that I really like is the pedometer. You have to actually walk around to gain watts, which are currency in the game used to unlock new areas, and spent to use the "Itemfinder". Of course, I expect that some less physically active people are going to figure out ways to simulate walking so that they don't have to do it themselves! I imagine the constructing of something similar to a miniature paint mixer, or leaving it on an old washer, or attaching it to a vibrator....who knows, but the lazies always figure out some way to cheat!

Oh, and of course...the game play of the actual game (SoulSilver) isn't much to report on. This is a remake, so the game play looks to be basically the same as Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. This isn't a bad thing! I love Pokemon games, but I don't really think that there is anything more that they could really improve on; they're already great games!

I said that I would report back after playing Muscle March for the Wii, and here I am...reporting!
This game reminds me so much of Katamari Damacy...same sort of Japanese wackiness, an apparent obsession with zoo animals, quirky J-pop music, and a variety of strange levels and background action.
The game play is simple: make one of four "muscle" poses with the Wiimote and nunchuk to fit through holes in walls left by the asshole thieves that you are chasing. These guys stole your fucking protein powder! GIT EM'!

After catching up to them, you use the Wiimote and nunchuk to make very fast "running" motions to go in for a running-leap-tackle-takedown!

This game actually gave my arms a good workout...something which the website promoted, but I figured that they were just trying to be funny.
The game is extremely responsive to the Wiimote/nunchuk movements, so for those very last minute motions, it fucking works. This is something that I am not used to with many Wii games, and it was rather refreshing.
For an extremely short game, it actually gives you plenty of bang for the 5 bucks spent on it! It's a lot of fun, lots of laughs while playing, and it even has a multiplayer mode. Huzzah!
Oh ya, and I guarantee that you will feel at least 100 times more manly after playing this game....

Don't forget to check out my Etsy Shop! Malice needs to pay the bills!
And also...
Member Review Sets:

Classic Girl

Have fun with that pokemon ball looking thingy!