They are all anxiety dreams, one re-occuring being about large green snakes that are trying to attack me, and I can't kill them no matter what I try (I keep trying to cut their heads off with a shovel, or stab them with something). I've had 2 others where I'm being chased by other animals with huge sharp teeth, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to block them (behind doors, etc.), kill them, or get away from them. I usually wake up just before I'm about to get huh?
These have been disturbing my sleep so badly in the past week, I've been having trouble functioning normally. I've been having enough trouble getting to sleep, and now these are in the way of me staying asleep (besides the trouble that I've already had with that).
Last seemed to be a break from these icky dreams, care of Zachary Quinto

...I owe it all to a thread that I was posting in last night which FORCED me *eh hem* to cough up a photo of him. I think that I'm going to take this as a sign that I need to be focusing on something good* before I go to sleep...which will hopefully change the outcome of what I dream about!
*Good: sexy men/women, cute fluffy animals, cake, Domo-kun
My surgery scar is starting to look "better"...and by that I mean that it's gotten more noticable and looks awesome!
It started off so small, and now it's flattened out and gotten fat:
I just hope that no one thinks that it was a botched suicide attempt! I missed the vein embarassing.
I'm getting some more stuff together to sell on here. It's proven to be a fair bit better than e-Bay since it lacks the fees, and I don't have to worry about selling things for a whole lot of money for it to be worthwhile. I'm still out of work, mostly to focus on school, but I'm poor as fuck. Asking my parents for money all the time is stressing me out, so it would be nice to be bringing in some sort of income.
On a good (and final) note, Sylar has invaded my Wii:
Edit: I posted a number of things in the SG Sales and Swap Meet Groups!!