Holy shit it snowed like crazy today! I can barely see down to the street when I look out my window. Oh what I would give right now for a vacation somewhere warm...preferably as close to Disney World as possible (I miss it soooo much!).
Well, I'm going back to the drawing board with my Dark & Stormy night set. A lot of you have made it pretty clear that you really like the first half (the dark part) of the set. I'm going to see about re-submitting these as a photoset of their own.
I know that my Classic Girl set has been up for a while, but if you haven't commented on it yet, give 'er. I still feel that these photos have a chance to hit the front page. These are some of my most favourite shots, and I'd love for them to go live!
Well, I'm going back to the drawing board with my Dark & Stormy night set. A lot of you have made it pretty clear that you really like the first half (the dark part) of the set. I'm going to see about re-submitting these as a photoset of their own.
I know that my Classic Girl set has been up for a while, but if you haven't commented on it yet, give 'er. I still feel that these photos have a chance to hit the front page. These are some of my most favourite shots, and I'd love for them to go live!
Happy New Year! 

Happy New Year!!!