Ok, so I finally went to see The Simpsons movie. It was quite enjoyable
It just felt like one big episode of the series, but with better animation. I laughed, and that was enough for me.
So, lately, I do have better news than usual. I ordered in some MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) books, and I'll be studying to do my exams. I hope that this means a better chance of getting work in a computer related field. At least for now I can put on my resume that I'm studying.
OMG I need some new photos. I have not gone to a photoshoot since...January? This is also adding to my lack of fundage. That used to be something that I could do for some extra money on the side.
Thanks again to everyone that commented on my rejected sets. They are both up to almost 100 comments...it's nice to know that someone liked them.
Edit: I Simpsonized myself...haha:

So, lately, I do have better news than usual. I ordered in some MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) books, and I'll be studying to do my exams. I hope that this means a better chance of getting work in a computer related field. At least for now I can put on my resume that I'm studying.
OMG I need some new photos. I have not gone to a photoshoot since...January? This is also adding to my lack of fundage. That used to be something that I could do for some extra money on the side.
Thanks again to everyone that commented on my rejected sets. They are both up to almost 100 comments...it's nice to know that someone liked them.
Edit: I Simpsonized myself...haha:

I lovedddddddddddded your sets. Perhaps I could vote eleventy million times if it would help