I'm convinced you came into my work to hand in a resume a while back...but I'm not sure...
I thought you were from Toronto - so I don't think it WAS you - but if not - you have a twin. Could it have been you?
It could have possibly been me since I live near Stoney Creek. Where do you work? (and yes, I'm still looking for work)
What is a guilty pleasure of yours?
I suppose World of Warcraft falls into that category. Besides that, I sometimes like to buy an entire cake for myself (yes it lasts a while...but it's alllll mine!)
Do you have regrets in life? Or do you feel that regrets are wasteful?
I try not to regret anything in life, but as of recently I've had one thing that I think I can truly say that I regret. I won't get into it here, but I'm sure that you can use your imagination.
If you had $500 right now - what would you do with it?
The realistic thing would be to save it for rent/bills/food....but if I could spend it on anything, I'd use it to pre-order the Nintendo Wii....and get a DS
What is something you could change about yourself?
I think that by this you mean wish that I could change about myself. If that's the case, I wish that I could change how well I retain information. As in, I'm really bad at it. Remembering things and being able to spit it out again at any given time would be nice.
Do aliens exist?
I'm sure there has to be some other semi-intelligent life form on at least one other planet out there. My dreams of being anal probed have to come true someday
What about ghosts? Do you have ghost stories to share?
I'm not really sure...I've been a little back and forth about that sort of thing. No ghosts stories. I think that if I had some to tell, I might have more faith that they exist.
Do you like sushi? If so... what kind is your favorite?
I LOVE sushi. My favorite is rainbow, or red/green dragon roll.
What is the most fucked up thing anyone has ever asked you on this site?
Someone once asked me for an unwashed pair of undies...I guess that's not too fucked up though. Seems pretty common these days...haha
Who the fuck is Jimmy?
Jimmy is Jimmy Urine, the lead singer of Mindless Self Indulgence. (click the linky for their myspace).
Ahh for shame for the only thing I can think of to ask is what about dating a hockey player whos a wannabe rockstar?
I won't be adding any new participants to my dating "list" for the time being...the b/f might have something to say about that too
should i go with purple or black nail polish?
Maybe a bit of both...alternating nails, purple with black stripes, black with purple stripes....that is...if you're putting it on your nails
why are there so many hot SG's from Canada?
As I've been told, it's gotta be something in the water. West Nile virus and E Coli = hot
what is reality?
Reality...each single person's personal opinion is of what truly exists in the world. Sometimes they greatly differ from one person to another. Take a walk through the psych ward.
If you were reeealy hungry and you were in the midle of nowere with a dead body next to you, would you starve to death or eat him/her in order to survive until someone come?
It would really depend how old the body was. If it was fresh, I really wouldn't have a problem with doing what I needed to do to survive. *BRAIIIINNNSSS*
If you had to choose to either loose one arm or have your face be hediusly disfigured, witch one would you choose?
Probably lose my arm. The technology in prosthetics is getting a lot better. I'm sure that I could count on a cool robot arm sometime soon.
If you had to kill an innocent litle baby or be killed witch one would you choose? Would you sacrifice your life over a baby or choose to live?
I'd really like to say that I could in fact save my own life, but when it comes right down to it, I don't think that I could go through with it. Turn that baby into kittens, and I'd be dead
If You had to choose to be deaf or blind witch one would you choose?
That's such a difficult question....though....I'd probably want to be blind over deaf. I'd miss music, and hearing peoples words and emotions. Being deaf also pretty much means that you lose a lot of your ability to verbally communicate as well, which wouldn't be that great.
If you had to choose betwin not being able to talk for the rest of your life or loose all your hair and be bold for the rest of your life witch one would you choose?
I'd go bald. I can always get a really nice set of wigs. My voice is too important to me.
If you had to choose among your five figers witch one to loose witch one would you choose?
My ring fingers so I'd have a permanent "shocker"....ahahahahaha
Where did you go to school, and for what?
If you mean post secondary...I went to Durham College for a semester of General Arts and Science, and to Mohawk for Computer Engineering...which I failed miserably within the first semester because of my lack of math skills.
Why are you embarassed by where you live?
I'm not embarassed of it...I just really dislike it here because I can't find any work but retail and factory dead-end jobs. I hardly have any friends out here, and there is hardly anything to do out here. I really hate the college/university crowds that hit the clubs out here. Oh...and it smells.
Okay neighbors from the North. In one week I'm travelling to Dorset, specifically Lake Kawagama for days on end of mountain biking. What else is there to do?
I suggest that you Google it. I've never been there....though from what I can tell it's cottage country...so....swimming? Cow tipping?
That's all!
Further questioning acceptable since I have little to talk about that isn't depressing.