I are sick... bery bery sick.

And I still have to go into work in the morning, at least for a few hours, till another manager shows up.

But until then, the boy is taking care of me.. making me vodka drinks, and heating up hot and sour soup.


This morning, I got up at 5am, went to take a shower... went back to...
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Yeah, I understand...it was pretty damned hot out there. Just be glad you didn't have to slog all sorts of crap around like I did blackeyed

Hope ya feel better...get lots of sleep tonight!!!
Went to the farmers market today. it was quite the adventure. The street that my girlfriend lives on, is being tore up, so I had to drive around in circles, convincing numerous flagmen that i needed to get through. And when it came time for us to leave her house, there was a large piece of machinery parked in front of her drive way, digging...
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Oh damn! If I knew you were coming, I would have hung around. As usual, I was sleeping at the library biggrin
Despite the fact that she has been out for a few weeks, after having her appendix removed, my boss still had enough energy to get new ink. And to get her daughter her first tat as well. Too damn cool. I can't hardly wait for the Rock of Ages convention in OC next month. I'm so jonesin'.
I think appendix removal counts as a body mod.
Night before last, I was woken up by the sound of children's music, coming from my living room at 4am. Apparently, my son's Leap Frog table was playing, over and over again. And it wasn't just one song, it was 4 or 5 different songs. I had no idea the damn thing played so many tunes.

Needless to say, I was a bit spooked. So,...
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No, I don't actually work the Market. I just set it up in the morning and tear it down in the afternoon. In between, I'm usually at the library...just listen for the snoring biggrin
I go out to my car at 7am this morning, to find my passenger door was slightly opened, unlocked, and someone had totally rummaged through all the crap in my car. My stereo, my cd's, my jacket, all still there. But everything was moved from where I had left it. All the contents of my glove compartment were strewn about the floor. All that was...
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Weird...wonder why they left the other stuff?

RIP Johnny Ramone frown
Too much on the Tivo.. not enough hours in the day....

beat... collapsing...
HIghlights of today:

Tweaking with iPhoto

Marilyn Manson on Graham Norton

MM has got to be the most amazingly witty sarcastic person, since my boyfriend smile


9/11 documentaries on TV
I completely adore him... love (mm)
Yay! It's the weekend for me. ANd just in time. I'm beat down tired....
a few rockstars, a *bit* of vodka, and I have a new pic and a new answer to everything...

.. it's in my pants...

PS: 20" cinema screens are just hawt....and so is airport express. i can make my boyfriends stereo play offending Yeastie Girls for his whole hood to hear. yay for me
Yeah, I never even heard about that SJ punk thing at the Blank Club...I don't think it was advertised. I'm pissed. Hopefully I can worm my way in biggrin