Hi Miss Cutie! Thanks for stopping by. I don't even make it on here everyday and I certainly don't post in my journal very often. Only when I've got the time and I think it is interesting or important. Sometimes I just post to remember something myself. Sometime it isn't for weeks - because afterall, real life calls!! Being a mom you know about that even more than myself. But all my kitties and critters are my family. As for the friend request note that's just for ultra weirdos and perverts that stop by and look at my pics and don't even post in my journal and want to add me to their list for some odd reason. As for you, I'm requesting you as mine!
I love Psychic TV too and Echo!! And I see you are into cannibalism movies too by the first one on your list. I've got that movie myself. I love the way the color scemes change in each scene/room in that movie. An how strangely erotic it is.
The costumes in 5th Element are so futuristic/modern sexy and City of Lost Children has a very lolita/cirus feel to it with the costumes and a vintage 40s look too. Guess I didn't realize Gaultier did the costumes. What other movies? Now you've got me really interested. I usually notice things like repeat actors, color schemes, music choices and era clothing (if it's right or not)...etc.
You may be interested to know that Lux is a huge Genesis fan. Often writes about him, his music, religion and etc. She's also way into Crispin Hellion Glover too! In fact, she managed to sneak both of them into an article that is her current post.
I love Psychic TV too and Echo!! And I see you are into cannibalism movies too by the first one on your list. I've got that movie myself. I love the way the color scemes change in each scene/room in that movie. An how strangely erotic it is.
Take care sweetie! *hearts sqp*
You may be interested to know that Lux is a huge Genesis fan. Often writes about him, his music, religion and etc. She's also way into Crispin Hellion Glover too!
Nice talking to you again cutie!