assassination?so as some of you know about the plane crash last week that killed the polish president,his family, generals,and well basically some of the most powerful from there. there is also this video some guy recorded at the crash site which you can clearly hear gun shots . now guess what??? the guy who filmed this has been stabbed and put in critical condition. then was unplugged from life support then stabbed 3 times til death. i'm sure its all a coincidence.
here is a list of some of the people on plane. why so many higher ups on one plane?? aren't you suppose to seperate them?? hmmmmmmm. any thoughts?
* Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland
* Maria Kaczynska, the first lady
* Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last President of the Polish government-in-exile
* Jerzy Szmajdzinski, Deputy speaker of Sejm (Polish Parliament)... See More
* Wladyslaw Stasiak, Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration
* Aleksander Szczyglo, head of the National Security Bureau
* Pawel Wypych, Secretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
* Mariusz Handzlik, Undersectretary of State for International Affairs
* Andrzej Kremer, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
* General Franciszek Gagor, Chief of the Polish Army General Staff
* Andrzej Przewoznik, Secretary-General of Rada Ochrony Pamie;ci Walk i Me;czenstwa
* Grzegorz Dolniak, member of the Sejm
* Przemyslaw Gosiewski, Deputy Prime Minister of Poland
* Zbigniew Wassermann, member of the Sejm
* Janusz Kochanowski, Polish Ombudsman
* Slawomir Skrzypek, President of the National Bank of Poland
* Janusz Kurtyka, Historian and president of the Institute of National Remembrance
* Bishop Tadeusz Ploski
Gen. Bronislaw Kwiatkowski (Commander Operations)
Gen. Andrew Blasik (Air Force Commander in Chief)
Gen. Tadeusz Buk (Commander of Land Forces)
Gen. Wojciech Potasinski (Commander of Special Forces)
Vice Admiral Andrzej Karweta (Commander in Chief of the Polish Navy)
Gen. Casimir Gilarski (Commander, Training)
here is a list of some of the people on plane. why so many higher ups on one plane?? aren't you suppose to seperate them?? hmmmmmmm. any thoughts?
* Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland
* Maria Kaczynska, the first lady
* Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last President of the Polish government-in-exile
* Jerzy Szmajdzinski, Deputy speaker of Sejm (Polish Parliament)... See More
* Wladyslaw Stasiak, Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration
* Aleksander Szczyglo, head of the National Security Bureau
* Pawel Wypych, Secretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
* Mariusz Handzlik, Undersectretary of State for International Affairs
* Andrzej Kremer, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
* General Franciszek Gagor, Chief of the Polish Army General Staff
* Andrzej Przewoznik, Secretary-General of Rada Ochrony Pamie;ci Walk i Me;czenstwa
* Grzegorz Dolniak, member of the Sejm
* Przemyslaw Gosiewski, Deputy Prime Minister of Poland
* Zbigniew Wassermann, member of the Sejm
* Janusz Kochanowski, Polish Ombudsman
* Slawomir Skrzypek, President of the National Bank of Poland
* Janusz Kurtyka, Historian and president of the Institute of National Remembrance
* Bishop Tadeusz Ploski
Gen. Bronislaw Kwiatkowski (Commander Operations)
Gen. Andrew Blasik (Air Force Commander in Chief)
Gen. Tadeusz Buk (Commander of Land Forces)
Gen. Wojciech Potasinski (Commander of Special Forces)
Vice Admiral Andrzej Karweta (Commander in Chief of the Polish Navy)
Gen. Casimir Gilarski (Commander, Training)