So iv'e been away for awhile.just got a laptop so i can frequent here and ape some some whole armada of thought processes have prolapsed and and taken a turn.i no longer want a cool loft in the city.i didn't go to luthier training school.i am not enjoying georgia at all.shame on me for not realizing sooner that things usually don't go my way.but alas,i'm not bitter really.even though i realize the massive tensions and ill politics running deep on our great beautiful earf right now.and basically always has been.
No i don't fret when i think of chemtrails,fema death camps,nafta,nwo,under ground bases,selection not election,merovingian blood lines,haarp,emps,cern large hadron collider,2012,and all that other sordid stuff.just glad my weary eyes are open to the grid of deceit that has spanned through time and has forced many to live their imposed reality.crazy ramblings to most this must seem.but FUCK IT i say.if you know,then you know right.

Anyway i have been saving up to buy some land-somewhere and build my house made from sea containers.its the next big thing i believe in leu of the housing bubble.its a process but soon it must happen and will.
Going to west coast for a couple of weeks for work refurbishing a cruise ship in september.we'll be docked in san fran most of the time.hope i get a chance to hang out there.might go to colorado afterwards for a bit to meet up with a friend.i really like the west coast.have always had a hankering for that side of the u.s.i'd move there but have to find something NOT on a fault line and it would have to be way above sea level for WHEN the shit hits the fan.

Well,enough paranoia for one night.nyquil kicking in.hands feel giant.mmmmm.swirling pressure fading in and out of hearing.mmmm.guud night.

No i don't fret when i think of chemtrails,fema death camps,nafta,nwo,under ground bases,selection not election,merovingian blood lines,haarp,emps,cern large hadron collider,2012,and all that other sordid stuff.just glad my weary eyes are open to the grid of deceit that has spanned through time and has forced many to live their imposed reality.crazy ramblings to most this must seem.but FUCK IT i say.if you know,then you know right.

Anyway i have been saving up to buy some land-somewhere and build my house made from sea containers.its the next big thing i believe in leu of the housing bubble.its a process but soon it must happen and will.
Going to west coast for a couple of weeks for work refurbishing a cruise ship in september.we'll be docked in san fran most of the time.hope i get a chance to hang out there.might go to colorado afterwards for a bit to meet up with a friend.i really like the west coast.have always had a hankering for that side of the u.s.i'd move there but have to find something NOT on a fault line and it would have to be way above sea level for WHEN the shit hits the fan.

Well,enough paranoia for one night.nyquil kicking in.hands feel giant.mmmmm.swirling pressure fading in and out of hearing.mmmm.guud night.

whoa, sweet art darling! Thanks for sharing x
wonderful work!