So I'm going to san fran in like two weeks can't wait!!! Does any one know any cool place to see while I'm there?
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Monday Dec 31, 2007
hey everybody I wanted to wish every one a happy new year!!! I'm rea… -
Monday Dec 10, 2007
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Thursday Oct 18, 2007
It was a REALLY nice surprised to see that my pic was on the homepa… -
Tuesday Sep 25, 2007
so today I took the plunge.... I died my hair. It is no longer purple… -
Wednesday Aug 29, 2007
hello everyone. I'm going to san diego tomorrow for the 49ers vs. ch… -
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
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Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
Before I say anything I found out that freddy Mercuary from Queen gav… -
Thursday Jul 26, 2007
Hello everyone. Man I haven't updated this thing in a really long ti… -
Monday Jun 18, 2007
I really want to get my nipples pierced, but I'm realy scared help t… -
Thursday May 24, 2007
hey every one I'm going to viva las veags this weekend which should b…
I also suggest you go to the Sanrio Hello Kitty shop, Tower Records and the vintage/thrift shops at Haight and Ashbury! There's also the tattoo museum, aquarium at the pier..there's also a pirate themed shop there too!
There's a bar there called lucky 13, I didn't get a chance to go in but it looked cool!
Parts of Golden Gate Park.
Chinatown for an authentic meal.
The usual touristy traps (Pier 39/Fisherman's Wharf).
The cross-streets of Union and Fillmore have a crapload of bars and clubs to hop between.
Don't know your food preferences, but there are a myriad of places to choose from.