My friend Zach has come to a momentous decision: he can live without his estranged girlfriend. This is indeed a big deal, considering how many of us can relate to the life stuck in pause sensation of waiting for someone you care for to return the favor. Things like this remind me of the cruelty that is love and how we, as weak spirited sponges, walk every waking second of our lives craving love. I envy those that are so full of love for themselves that they see any moment they share with another spirit as a blessed fruit of their ego's Spring. We all should be so lucky. Hell, in truth, a lot of motherfucker's already are, and they're quick to remind us of this gift they bring us. Bastards...
Zach has been a zombie of misery. Really, he's been annoying. I've kept my opinions close to myself because I simply feel that in affair's of the heart, a man must realize his own misery. What good would my influence on his decisions in love be if ultimately I could be considered to blame for the results? Simply put, if he followed my advice and dumped the stupid bitch earlier, he could now feel he'd made a terrible mistake, and I was to blame. Lead a horse to water and it'll blame you for quenching its thirst.
Anyway, he's gone and done it. Will his convictions remain true? Time, naturally, will tell. I certainly hope for it, because it's plain to me that he will be a better man for dumping this bitch. I only hope he appreciates his liberation when time brings that ray of light to the tempest of his consciousness.
Zach has been a zombie of misery. Really, he's been annoying. I've kept my opinions close to myself because I simply feel that in affair's of the heart, a man must realize his own misery. What good would my influence on his decisions in love be if ultimately I could be considered to blame for the results? Simply put, if he followed my advice and dumped the stupid bitch earlier, he could now feel he'd made a terrible mistake, and I was to blame. Lead a horse to water and it'll blame you for quenching its thirst.
Anyway, he's gone and done it. Will his convictions remain true? Time, naturally, will tell. I certainly hope for it, because it's plain to me that he will be a better man for dumping this bitch. I only hope he appreciates his liberation when time brings that ray of light to the tempest of his consciousness.
And that's why I love that model so much!