"Day by day, hour by hour... This I pray... To those who will the indefen'ble in the name of self defense, and those who claim 'the last resort' to justify the same pretense. To those who war for greed and usurp children's limbs as capital, yet bank-roll their campaigns with the wealth of their people. To those who chokehold good men's faith to ratify their avarice, and turn that faith against good men in name of noble sacrifice. To those who swear on pennants, books and idols to legitimize their crimes, while totemizing evil with the same simplistic chimes. This shall be written of these wretched hollow men (though like shall follow like and that "like" will rise again). Their victories shall be nothing, their glories shall be brief, for Death takes the sinner, the murd'rer, and the thief."
~Tim Hunter, "The Books of Magic: Life During Wartime" by Si Spencer
~Tim Hunter, "The Books of Magic: Life During Wartime" by Si Spencer
Thanks! I don't think I'll get a cold but it sure is annoying!