"The Descent" was spooky! Good horror films sometimes step away from conventions. But, if you stray too far, you could be guilty of being original. Well, this film, although not entirely original, really cashes in on some novel approaches to weaving its freakiness. To be blunt, my heart was indeed racing through many scenes in this film, and not just where the creepy monster dudes were slashing through the screen. In a way, this movie could've been focused on spelunking alone and I would've been terrified, but I admit that the promise of horror and gore was what brought me there in the first place. Ever try to imagine what a film would've been like upon first exposure if you'd have sat down and watched it with no idea what the fuck you were getting into? I think, in a way, I would've freaked out more during "The Descent" if I'd been ignorant of its premise, but ultimately, I would've been disappointed. I mean, we've seen the "fish-out-water-finds-monsters-and-dies" plot line many times, so to have a good survival story boil down to that particular vehicle would've been a bummer. Having come and watched the film knowing fully where the story was taking me, it leant itself to a more appreciable level of intensity. So, when the first freak did show up, I still jumped. A little. Honest! I loved this movie. It was fun and exhilarating. It was well shot and even thoughtful. No boobies, though. There were six women! No tits could be spared, gentlemen? Please! Great fun, anyway. And, educational. Well, where spelunking is concerned. Not, you know, where dying by crazy freak-a-zoids is concerned. That'd be just... weird.