Something so exciting happened that I had to get online and document the event as quickly as possible since the image is so finely burned in my retina. Okay, so here goes: I am a voyeur at heart. In a lot of respects, voyeurism is what made me a heterosexual male. Peeping through windows at unsuspecting women? Been there, done that. Hell, way before I even understood why it made me excited. We're talking five or six, mister. Anyway, I just had an exhilarating experience, and it happened just outside my apartment complex. One of the apartments in our complex is vacant. So, not surprisingly, the landowners being very aggressive about getting another occupant into the space. You see, the complex houses only seven apartments all together, so a vacant apartment is a bad deal for him. Anyway, while stepping out to take the recyclables to the back of the building, I saw three women standing around talking. I immediately realized they were there for the empty apartment. The oldest was representing the landowner (i.e. a broker) and the remaining couple was made up a plain, unattractive white woman and a surprisingly striking Asian woman with beautiful round features and distinctive sharp eyes. As I passed the group I noticed the Asian was sporting a very lucratively plunging neck line on her teal blue tank top. The corner of my eye told my brain to take a closer look on my way back, for it suspected it saw something interesting. Feeling somewhat foolish, I decided to heed the corner of my eye's advice, despite the fact that it would be blatant leering at the Asian on my part. Still, I didn't hesitate as I passed and, much to my shock, I saw her right nipple, clear and erect, through the neckline of her tank top. Was the breast big? Yes, it was, and very full, but not of the c-cup variety. She was Asian, after all. Also, the skin tone was soft brown; very lovely in tone and even throughout, indicating that her skin color is hereditary. The nipple, however, was fantastic! Despite the extreme heat, her nipple was erect and resembled something like a small caliber bullet. The nipple, oddly, was softer toned than the breast, but that couldve been a trick of the light since the nipple, naturally, stood further out than the breast. Essentially, the damn thing was practically in the sunlight. Yes, I garnered all of this detail in a passing glance that couldn't have lasted longer than one second. Why the obsession? Why the excitation of the mind? You have to understand, Ive seen only three sets of women's nipples in my life, all of them belonging to girlfriends. So, this cheap, drive-by flashing chance is a somewhat rare thrill for me in my perverted life. I surprisingly didn't blurt, "Nipple!" at her as I pretended to casually act like I was oblivious to the women's presence. I contemplated running up to my wife and dragging her out to the back of the complex just so she could get a look at the nipple (she would've loved it!). Instead, I did what comes naturally to the modern, electronically empowered voyeur of the day: I got my camera. Unfortunately, I hit the power button instead of the shutter when I passed, so I wasted a great opportunity. It could've proven to be perfect bribing material! I mean, if she went on to be President or something... Well, it was a fleeting moment, but one I think I'll remember for some time. Isn't that sad? I mean, nipples are as common as assholes, so why treat one separate from the other? Well, shit doesn't come out of nipples, first of all. Second, nipples are beautiful. Well, women's nipples... For the most part, anyway. Assholes look weird. I've only seen one, by the way. Im talking literally here, not metaphorically. If it was in that sense, I'd have seen enough assholes to populate Jupiter. Uh, this line of writing is a bit gross, so let me get back to the point. I saw a freebie nipple today; unintentional and purely by chance. I sure hope these women do move into our complex. Then maybe I could be privy to more flashes by the pretty Asian. If I should fail to ever be so lucky with the new residents, maybe I could at least tell her about the incident someday. I wonder how she'd take it?
My natural haircolor is what it looks like in my current blog, minus the blond.