I get dizzy playing videogames nowadays. That's a sure sign of maturity if I ever heard of one. Of course, I mean 'maturity' in the 'getting old quick' sense, not the 'acting like an adult' sense. I sure as hell ain't no fucking adult. Still, maybe I should try playing Pac-Man or Zaxxon instead of these polygon-rich, vomit inducing games that'd bring an epileptic to their knees. What's so wrong about side-scrolling anyway? Wakka-wakka-wakka.... That was supposed to be Pac-Man, not Fozzie Bear.
Some video games out there could easily enduce seizures. Like when I played Sonic Adventure for Dreamcast several years ago. It's an older game but holy shit. Sadly I haven't played any of the newer Sonics that have been out since then. I'm afraid my eyeballs might explode. Oh, except for Sonic Heroes but that game kind of sucks IMO.
What games do you usually play?
I've been working on Quake IV for PC. The graphics are fantastic but I'm still partial to Quake III, which I guess is the only one of the Quakes that doesn't have a real storyline, but I like it the best. I miss playing it at LAN parties. I'm such a nerd.