Women: So neat. They have it. All of it. So lucky. But, what's better is seeing they have it. Perspective is everything. Men: So... yuck. End: Rant.

The middle toe on my right foot is red and purple. I'm thinking that's not normal.puke
maybe someday!
What an amazing life I lead. This isn't to say that I am in an enviable position. Far from it. But, I cannot, at least, say that I lead a boring life. What I would give for a boring life! Imagine it...
Yeah.. I got about four chapters into the first book before I had to stop reading. Really wasn't my style.
These aren't for SG. Unless I get very very lucky and find a photographer in Minneapolis or something, I'll probably not get a chance to shoot another attempt for SG for a good year or more.
Back in October of 2004, nearing my little niece Gabrielle's birthday, I stopped on my local Sunday route to buy a Barnes and Noble gift card so that I wouldn't have to be bothered for actually considering what to buy as a gift for my niece. On my way into the store I caught a glimpse at a thick book, shrink-wrapped and looking all the...
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I wanted to write something clever, but I think my brain is hanging out with my stomach. This modern world climate drags me down. I read things and I think, "People need to start dying a lot faster a lot sooner starting now," and I become aghast at my selfish ideology because, naturally, I don't want to include myself in that Great Purging of the...
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Days off aren't supposed to be this boring, especially when you're supposed to be working. I took today off and it feels like the end of the week already. Drag... surreal
Actually, he'll be working less (and making more) if you can believe that. Now he's a factory worker. In August he'll be a collegiate speech teacher again!
The Pittsburgh Penguins suck donkey balls. Two shut outs at the hands of.... Chris Osgood? And a group of fey Swedes? Yuck. I hope they get swept and fail to score one damn goal, and I'm a die hard fan! Go Pens! Make history! puke