will i make an effort to be here more often? maybe. shit. two of my favorite girls aren't even active anymore.

i have been a blog beast however. you can find me at my livejournal link and on myspace where i now spend the majority of my on-line time.

i need to make a friend in this silly little town...
'appy birfday dooood
avoiding writing another column, hopefully this one won't suck like the last three.

i am officially crush-free from now on.

i hate being stood up.

twice in a row now.

crushes need to be avoided like plagues.

i vow to play it cool and start treating others the same way i've been treated - i am now finacially broke so some karmic withdrawal is totally...
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just got back from hawaii about a week ago. now i love ukuleles (just got one) am obsessed with brotha IZ (isreal kamakawiwo'ole) and am choreographing Cabaret for albuquerque high school.

cafe bubbles, the hookah / oxygen bar is open and it rocks.

since no one reads this: i think i was a total tool and way too drunk in front of my current crush...
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I saw the Red Elvises for the first time last night and I am a changed man. Thankfully "Russian Napster" has almost everything by them which I am now downloading as I speak. ARRR!!!

I know no one reads this but if anyone does come across this, go to redelvises.com, see if they are coming to your town and drag every one of your friends.

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Did you mention 911 in [MEMBER=Bree's] journal a while back? Check this out > http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/101304_open_letters.shtml or WTC steel , black box coverup etc... > http://www.911truth.org/ or [stranger than fiction etc etc ] > http://guardian.150m.com/ Soooo much to catch up on eh?
I'm going ot be lazy and just post the column I wrote last night for the school newspaper I write for. I know it'll lack the non-chalant, conversational tone I can have in this venue but a) I'm fuckin' tired of thinking about it and b) this is all clean and edited thanks to my editors. Yea editors. Fuck Bush.

I'll be honest with you...
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Might as well start somewhere...

Got my wisdom teeth out a week and a half ago. An older persian lady I work with named Soroush said she got dry socket when she got her's out. She's a tough lady and so when she told me dry socket hurt worse than childbirth I got really, really scared. So far, so good. Lots of cefzil and penicillin....
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Just so you know, when the picture you, me and corey took in the bathroom gets developed then makes it's way into my journal, Corey amd I's nickname for you is "Havana Nights Boy". Just to give you fair warningwink