that is cool, you are so talented. would be a great fruit bowl.
You're so amazing.
What an amazing thing to be doing.
Much love xo
What an amazing thing to be doing.
Much love xo
I feel like I'm on an emotional diet, and right now, I broke it.
Like gorging on a packet of tim tams, I've indulged in feelings of failure, hopelessness, and the aftertaste of falling back into repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour.
It's hard going, you know. Being well. Being. .. happy. It's a precious thing, when the thing you most struggle against is yourself....
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Like gorging on a packet of tim tams, I've indulged in feelings of failure, hopelessness, and the aftertaste of falling back into repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour.
It's hard going, you know. Being well. Being. .. happy. It's a precious thing, when the thing you most struggle against is yourself....
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Thanks for the kind words, it's not preachy at all.
Especially when it seems you're in a low place emotionally yourself. I like the way you put it - overindulging in dark emotions. I don't know exactly what your experience is, but that sounds like something I do from time to time.
The chai and internet sounds like the best bet. Perhaps I should partake of such a remedy

The chai and internet sounds like the best bet. Perhaps I should partake of such a remedy

I'm an admin girl too and do the same thing... sucks to be us!
Stay positive love, you're in a transitional period. Your private life is still fairly reputable, friends and outings and such. Don't let work get you down, you're better than that.
Keep on truckin'
Lots of love. xo
Keep on truckin'
Lots of love. xo
I love seeing pictures of peoples grand parents. Its so interesting to see where people came from.
Its incredible what you can learn if you sit down and listen to older people. Some of the most incredible stories I have ever heard have been from when I did some volunteer work at a nursing home.
He wears the same cardigans as my grandpa.
Its incredible what you can learn if you sit down and listen to older people. Some of the most incredible stories I have ever heard have been from when I did some volunteer work at a nursing home.
He wears the same cardigans as my grandpa.

cool!! i've never been to new picts were from my recent trip to Albuquerque to visit 2 of my best friends, now that I'm back in Austin I miss the desert so much! But Austin is an awesome town, it's my home base. much love (PS - your friend's art down there is awesome!!!!)

It's important that modern art is protected by people with big fuck off guns.

It's important that modern art is protected by people with big fuck off guns.

I'm in New York fucking City! Moooooootherfucker!
Who woulda though a little Aussie sheila like me would come this far? I come from the bushfires and banality of the Australian suburbs. The world is opening up for me, rich and juicy as an oyster, though a little salty going down. Not even my love may keep me from flying...
Suddenly, things seem so much more...
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Who woulda though a little Aussie sheila like me would come this far? I come from the bushfires and banality of the Australian suburbs. The world is opening up for me, rich and juicy as an oyster, though a little salty going down. Not even my love may keep me from flying...
Suddenly, things seem so much more...
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That is excellent news
You're awesome!
Keep in touch with those of us back home minding the banality while your away!
Keep in touch with those of us back home minding the banality while your away!
When we're small, we don't worry about what we'll be when we grow up. It's all a game. Still is. Except I don't feel like it's fun anymore.
When do things change?
When did the future seem so scary? The threat of being stuck without movement, like roadkill, out on the side with your guts spilling out.
Money, jobs, travel love. All endless possibilities. And...
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When do things change?
When did the future seem so scary? The threat of being stuck without movement, like roadkill, out on the side with your guts spilling out.
Money, jobs, travel love. All endless possibilities. And...
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you word things so beautifully. I mean you are here, writing about this emptiness you are feeling, yet I cant stop focusing on how vividly you paint the picture of it in my heart. Does that make since? I think you truly are "powerful beyond measure." Don't let your moments own you. Own them. Make everyday your best day.
One thing I have been trying out lately is each night before i fall asleep i write 3 positive things that happened to me and that i am thankful for. Sometimes its hard to think of 3 things, but they can even be simple things like "I'm so happy I have this pillow to snuggle on." You'd be amazed how thinking positive for just a few seconds really changes the way your day went.
One thing I have been trying out lately is each night before i fall asleep i write 3 positive things that happened to me and that i am thankful for. Sometimes its hard to think of 3 things, but they can even be simple things like "I'm so happy I have this pillow to snuggle on." You'd be amazed how thinking positive for just a few seconds really changes the way your day went.
Thankyou kindly for the congrats
Just reading this's so universal, i love it and the following comments building onto it; perfectly demonstrates our individual humanity. ..
And for the record, i dont think 26 is hardley requireing to be "old", cherish the stumble youth for a little longer
*Have a loverly day.

Just reading this's so universal, i love it and the following comments building onto it; perfectly demonstrates our individual humanity. ..
And for the record, i dont think 26 is hardley requireing to be "old", cherish the stumble youth for a little longer

*Have a loverly day.
I'm not pregnant.
I hate being bored at work.
I feel love sick.
I have a shaved head.
I'm saving hard.
I'm traveling next month.
I'm manifesting my intent.
I'm not hungry.
That's about me right now. Hiding away from the world. I need too. Otherwise I'd do what I've always done: have random sex, drink, smoke run my energy into the ground.
I hate being bored at work.
I feel love sick.
I have a shaved head.
I'm saving hard.
I'm traveling next month.
I'm manifesting my intent.
I'm not hungry.

That's about me right now. Hiding away from the world. I need too. Otherwise I'd do what I've always done: have random sex, drink, smoke run my energy into the ground.
I look forward to reading your blogs
Note to self
(inspired by Akemi)
- Dance 2 times a week. So far I'm taking Modern classes, and am looking into Hip Hop Beginner.
- Remember to brush teeth in the evening and floss.
- Eat 2 pieces of fruit a day.
- Fill inspiration journals.
- Write that novella idea you have.
- Get back on track with writing goals
- Do...
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(inspired by Akemi)
- Dance 2 times a week. So far I'm taking Modern classes, and am looking into Hip Hop Beginner.
- Remember to brush teeth in the evening and floss.
- Eat 2 pieces of fruit a day.
- Fill inspiration journals.
- Write that novella idea you have.
- Get back on track with writing goals
- Do...
Read More
Some very good advice there.
Will I see you tonight?
Will I see you tonight?
And there you go. Thanks!
Associate Editor is very different to Online Community Manager.
Good luck with the job -- aren't you working at the State Library?
Online stuff is crazy good. Every business and brand needs an online community manager. This is where the Interwebs are at!
I never remember to brush or floss. I'm terrible that way. Don't tell anyone!
Associate Editor is very different to Online Community Manager.

Online stuff is crazy good. Every business and brand needs an online community manager. This is where the Interwebs are at!

I never remember to brush or floss. I'm terrible that way. Don't tell anyone!