Lately, I've been a loner. I've had to be; it's been an enormous transition period. I like time by myself. A little too much, at times. My thoughts turn to Conjure in particular, and how I'm not as tuned into her life as much as I would like to be, because I'm a wanderer, an occasional workaholic (I prefer to call it a being a "visionary"... pfft... my latest obsession is facilitating creative writing workshops through Access Arts), and sometimes a loner.
I've got a new job. I'm now the Communications & Publicity Officer of the Queensland Writers Centre.
I'm waking up and it's a brand new day.
For those of you who know me, you recognise that this is huge.
I'm outta my shitty job, baby! I'm outta the hierarchy, I'm outta the bullshit, I'm outta the Government.
And into a financially successful, not-for profit arts advocacy organisation that supports my biggest passion. What a blessing.
Although: conundrum. I am torn between my newly secured 12 month employment contract, and the amazing man waiting for me to join him on the road. The sunset calls... On a superficial note, this makes me realise that I've only had sex ONCE in three months. Long-distance relationships suck like that. I'm turning into a sex camel. But I have withstood the hardest part; the initial three-months apart. Thats when the shit hits the fan and you loose your connection. But this love ain't going nowhere. At least not now.
Anyway. I'm learning now to worry too much. What will be, will be.
Right now, all I know is I'm taking each day as it comes. Slowly, I will make my way out of the suburbs into the hearts of my friends once more. Everything in my life is now going to be about fun. I sometimes forget to have enough of it...

I've got a new job. I'm now the Communications & Publicity Officer of the Queensland Writers Centre.
I'm waking up and it's a brand new day.
For those of you who know me, you recognise that this is huge.
I'm outta my shitty job, baby! I'm outta the hierarchy, I'm outta the bullshit, I'm outta the Government.
And into a financially successful, not-for profit arts advocacy organisation that supports my biggest passion. What a blessing.
Although: conundrum. I am torn between my newly secured 12 month employment contract, and the amazing man waiting for me to join him on the road. The sunset calls... On a superficial note, this makes me realise that I've only had sex ONCE in three months. Long-distance relationships suck like that. I'm turning into a sex camel. But I have withstood the hardest part; the initial three-months apart. Thats when the shit hits the fan and you loose your connection. But this love ain't going nowhere. At least not now.
Anyway. I'm learning now to worry too much. What will be, will be.
Right now, all I know is I'm taking each day as it comes. Slowly, I will make my way out of the suburbs into the hearts of my friends once more. Everything in my life is now going to be about fun. I sometimes forget to have enough of it...

It's the first time in my life I'm not symbiotic with, nay, BLENDED with my computer. It spends days off, sometimes. I'm almost sans screen, albeit for hours of work related tinkering (about 8hrs a day) plussed with the interim time on my mobile phone .. almost no technology!
I'm kidding myself thinking that I'm san screen, though the main point is, I'm living life without internet social networking. A shock? Definitely, to me.
And it sounds like you're starting to cross the de-hibernation roadblock too. You're out!! Out of that DIABOLICAL MIND DAMPENING JOB!
Congratulations! x 1000
I like your carpe diem attitude to sex. It's true. To make a decision about a man based on sex, when feelings like yours are as strong as they are would be to absolutely jump the theoretical gun.
And, on the topic of runaway lovers, unfortunately I'm no help. I'm actually .. well, no one knows about him yet, but my ... erm .. lover? Is leaving the country forever in March.
What's a girl to do?
I love him, he's amazing, but it's ... still early enough to stop this before we even make it .. .'official.'
I can't chose .. defenses up? Or let fate drag me onward towards uncertain doom?
Love eternally battles me. Though I'll never, ever, and now especially, (after recent occurrences which I'll divulge in a place not so public [althought it's really not that important, just, basically goss on the love life,]) give up.
Don't give up.
I've changed my mind, I do know.
Do anything you have to for love.
A chance, taking a chance, is a progression.
Luck always, love always,
Stay safe, positive and happy.
love you xxoo