My time here is done. Canceling my account tonight. It's been a long time coming. I'm finally ready.
But it's been a good time, a good time.
Here I am. Ready for an offline life. So many changes are coming, I feel like I'm finally on the road to myself. I'm happy. Growing older, loving life, having fun, crying tears, stepping ever forward on this...
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But it's been a good time, a good time.
Here I am. Ready for an offline life. So many changes are coming, I feel like I'm finally on the road to myself. I'm happy. Growing older, loving life, having fun, crying tears, stepping ever forward on this...
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Pure gold.
How are you love? I miss you all.
How are you love? I miss you all.

I think my time here is coming to an end. A new era dawns, and inevitably, things get left behind. I'm investigating how to leave, given that my membership is until August. Maybe I will stay until then, but no longer.
I'm working with mob from Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island) to convey stories of their water rights to the 5th World Water Forum in Turkey.
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I'm working with mob from Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island) to convey stories of their water rights to the 5th World Water Forum in Turkey.
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It is good when life is good 

Your work sounds amazing and from what you've written it's no wonder the internet cannot maintain your interest. Good luck and take care!
And I'm jealous of your new Mac.
And I'm jealous of your new Mac.

I'm ok. It's not what they thought it was. They're not sure what it is. I'm also not hurting anymore, and the cricket was awesome. The aussies played shit, but came good in the end. I drank beer and did several mexican waves. I also considered how lucky I am to be with the person I'm with, and to have access to such medical resources...
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Glad to hear everything worked out for the best.
Happy to hear everything is working out.
Man, the Australian summer is here and IT'S AWESOME! After years of complaining about the humidity, I actually find myself in love with the sub tropics. I don't think I could live somewhere cold. And, I really love Australia. But there's a lot about us that makes me sad.
Over the New Years period, I'm going to a festival on my own. I'm branching out...
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Over the New Years period, I'm going to a festival on my own. I'm branching out...
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That sounds sublime!
You will my dear, you will
See you

See you

Channel Nerd subscribers:
Cymantics: experiments in sonification
And Nature was my teacher
Interesting Facts
A millipede, previously unseen for 80 years, was found in California this year (2006). Its species, Illacme plenipes (pleni + pes = plentiful feet in Latin believe it or not), can get the most feet of any millipede, and possibly even reach the 1000 milestone, since as it ages it grows...
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Cymantics: experiments in sonification
And Nature was my teacher
Interesting Facts
A millipede, previously unseen for 80 years, was found in California this year (2006). Its species, Illacme plenipes (pleni + pes = plentiful feet in Latin believe it or not), can get the most feet of any millipede, and possibly even reach the 1000 milestone, since as it ages it grows...
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Thanks for the nerd-blog!

Thnaks for the interesting Blog.
How does strong love differ from being in love?
Is being in love based on the want/need to actually be with the person, or other things?
I love and think I am in love.... but what is in love anyway?
Thoughs? Opinions? Experiences?
Is being in love based on the want/need to actually be with the person, or other things?
I love and think I am in love.... but what is in love anyway?
Thoughs? Opinions? Experiences?

Strong love when talking about another person, is for me, having an immense admiration, respect, like, and need for them. It does go beyond being "in love", because it has such depth and an infinite nature. I have a strong love for my mother, I enjoy our conversations, I value her opinion, her thoughts, her dreams, her hopes, and likewise. I have a need for her to be happy, healthy and feel loved/needed/valued.
I have had a strong love for other people / friends, again that is about just such an appreciation for their existance, for having found them, and that they are in my life. Again mutual respect, true kindness, caring, and being generous with their time and help. I only have about 2 people that I can put in this category, because they continue to amaze me with their thoughtfulness, advice, ability to make me laugh and listen to me when I ramble on.
Of course the word "love" is used so often to describe many things, I do love life, and the simple things, photography, creativity, passion, standing up for oneself, design, corsets, being silly, laughing, reading a great book, fashion, dressing up, seeing a movie that makes me think, having a wonderful conversation, dancing by myself, of course I love my chihuahua.....there are so many degrees of love, from a feeling of a strong like to an absolute desire, or even a need for it.
I believe I have been "in love" in that you just fall so deeply, madly, beyond all reason with that person. Initially it is more about fascination, and curiousity, lust, and just needing to be around them. Be it in silence, or getting all giddy about all the things you seem to have in common, wanting to know all about their life, their experiences, opinions, thoughts, dreams, hopes and i think you become a bit blinded to the rest of the world. I agree with Sai that it is a state, more than an emotion, even thoug your emotions are all over the place. and you feel invincible.Well, I do anyway.
How long this last depends on each person. I was in love with her, we were best friends, and I just had such respect for her creativity and she made me laugh, she made me feel so good, and I apparently made her feel the same way. Unfortunately it didn't work out how she wanted it to, and sadly after a year of trying to just be friends, we now only talk maybe once a year. I miss her. People that touch your soul like that are so rare, and I miss that connection.
I was in love with him, and had a serious crush on him for at least 5 years or sowe had been friends through out that time, long conversations into the early hours of the morning, i guess the "in love" part lasted for about 10 months, we were together for 4 and a half years.
I broke up with him. I still love him very much and always will, he showed me that there was no need to be scared of anything, he encouraged me to follow my dreams and believed in me. he is very creative, a musician and very intelligent, loved reading his poetry, listening to him play at gigs, catching him when he was looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes.
He taught me about history, literature, about being free and was always so proud of me. we are still close friends, and he always is there for me, no matter what, he is my strong love, i miss his company as he has moved away, but we still talk on the phone alot.
He is a best friend, and yes I still lust after him, but as a couple we didn't work.
Being "in love" is one of the most beautiful, crazy, unexplainable feelings in the world. But alas it is fleeting, true love has no limits, and is unconditional. For instance when i am 80 and sitting on the veranda with my friend Tabitha, being 2 eccentric old ladies and reminiscing, surrounded by 100 animals and drinking tea. Or with that person that is my soulmate, male or female, no sex, just enjoying their companionship. arguing, laughing, whatever, the person I can just be me around. and everything feels so right and comfortable.
Ok, so now I am rambling, but what someone looks like doesn't matter to me, their mind, their creativity, and their passion is what makes me start loving them....
Take care,
I have had a strong love for other people / friends, again that is about just such an appreciation for their existance, for having found them, and that they are in my life. Again mutual respect, true kindness, caring, and being generous with their time and help. I only have about 2 people that I can put in this category, because they continue to amaze me with their thoughtfulness, advice, ability to make me laugh and listen to me when I ramble on.
Of course the word "love" is used so often to describe many things, I do love life, and the simple things, photography, creativity, passion, standing up for oneself, design, corsets, being silly, laughing, reading a great book, fashion, dressing up, seeing a movie that makes me think, having a wonderful conversation, dancing by myself, of course I love my chihuahua.....there are so many degrees of love, from a feeling of a strong like to an absolute desire, or even a need for it.
I believe I have been "in love" in that you just fall so deeply, madly, beyond all reason with that person. Initially it is more about fascination, and curiousity, lust, and just needing to be around them. Be it in silence, or getting all giddy about all the things you seem to have in common, wanting to know all about their life, their experiences, opinions, thoughts, dreams, hopes and i think you become a bit blinded to the rest of the world. I agree with Sai that it is a state, more than an emotion, even thoug your emotions are all over the place. and you feel invincible.Well, I do anyway.
How long this last depends on each person. I was in love with her, we were best friends, and I just had such respect for her creativity and she made me laugh, she made me feel so good, and I apparently made her feel the same way. Unfortunately it didn't work out how she wanted it to, and sadly after a year of trying to just be friends, we now only talk maybe once a year. I miss her. People that touch your soul like that are so rare, and I miss that connection.
I was in love with him, and had a serious crush on him for at least 5 years or sowe had been friends through out that time, long conversations into the early hours of the morning, i guess the "in love" part lasted for about 10 months, we were together for 4 and a half years.
I broke up with him. I still love him very much and always will, he showed me that there was no need to be scared of anything, he encouraged me to follow my dreams and believed in me. he is very creative, a musician and very intelligent, loved reading his poetry, listening to him play at gigs, catching him when he was looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes.
He taught me about history, literature, about being free and was always so proud of me. we are still close friends, and he always is there for me, no matter what, he is my strong love, i miss his company as he has moved away, but we still talk on the phone alot.
He is a best friend, and yes I still lust after him, but as a couple we didn't work.
Being "in love" is one of the most beautiful, crazy, unexplainable feelings in the world. But alas it is fleeting, true love has no limits, and is unconditional. For instance when i am 80 and sitting on the veranda with my friend Tabitha, being 2 eccentric old ladies and reminiscing, surrounded by 100 animals and drinking tea. Or with that person that is my soulmate, male or female, no sex, just enjoying their companionship. arguing, laughing, whatever, the person I can just be me around. and everything feels so right and comfortable.
Ok, so now I am rambling, but what someone looks like doesn't matter to me, their mind, their creativity, and their passion is what makes me start loving them....
Take care,
well i guess it is all kind of exciting! alteast stuff is happening. how are things going in the land of love? hehe
I NEED PYRAMID OF ROCK TICKETS... does anyone know anyone who can help me?
I must go. I simply must. Sex in tents, music, festival khrishna food with the man that I love. Srsly. This sure as hell beats being a lonesome sad sack at Peats Ridge Festival like I had originally planned. *Ah hem*, I mean independent woman.
Fuck it... who wants to spend...
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I must go. I simply must. Sex in tents, music, festival khrishna food with the man that I love. Srsly. This sure as hell beats being a lonesome sad sack at Peats Ridge Festival like I had originally planned. *Ah hem*, I mean independent woman.
Fuck it... who wants to spend...
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This looks absolutely amazing.
I agree. New Years is quite possibly the most important day of the year, emotionally. I always find that I have to be careful .. it's a really mental milestone for me every time.
Besides all that - Phillip Island is in Victoria, so I can't, but you should TOTALLY do this!!
I agree. New Years is quite possibly the most important day of the year, emotionally. I always find that I have to be careful .. it's a really mental milestone for me every time.
Besides all that - Phillip Island is in Victoria, so I can't, but you should TOTALLY do this!!
I actually worked at two libraries! One for a year 2002-2003 and one from 2004-2006. And I hope to work at one again!
Lately, I've been a loner. I've had to be; it's been an enormous transition period. I like time by myself. A little too much, at times. My thoughts turn to Conjure in particular, and how I'm not as tuned into her life as much as I would like to be, because I'm a wanderer, an occasional workaholic (I prefer to call it a being a...
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oh girl! life is awesome! you are manifesting your intent! it's a big transitional time for me sounds like you're on the right track - just hold on to your inner light. I have never been happier just hanging out with myself, and the energy that i'm radiating out is attracting awesome people to me. congrats on the awesome job and following your joy. much love and good vibes! xoxoxo
It's been hard even for me to tune into my own life recently, I've been everywhere, doing all sorts of things that have, in most ways, disengaged with the internet.
It's the first time in my life I'm not symbiotic with, nay, BLENDED with my computer. It spends days off, sometimes. I'm almost sans screen, albeit for hours of work related tinkering (about 8hrs a day) plussed with the interim time on my mobile phone .. almost no technology!
I'm kidding myself thinking that I'm san screen, though the main point is, I'm living life without internet social networking. A shock? Definitely, to me.
And it sounds like you're starting to cross the de-hibernation roadblock too. You're out!! Out of that DIABOLICAL MIND DAMPENING JOB!
Congratulations! x 1000
I like your carpe diem attitude to sex. It's true. To make a decision about a man based on sex, when feelings like yours are as strong as they are would be to absolutely jump the theoretical gun.
And, on the topic of runaway lovers, unfortunately I'm no help. I'm actually .. well, no one knows about him yet, but my ... erm .. lover? Is leaving the country forever in March.
What's a girl to do?
I love him, he's amazing, but it's ... still early enough to stop this before we even make it .. .'official.'
I can't chose .. defenses up? Or let fate drag me onward towards uncertain doom?
Love eternally battles me. Though I'll never, ever, and now especially, (after recent occurrences which I'll divulge in a place not so public [althought it's really not that important, just, basically goss on the love life,]) give up.
Don't give up.
I've changed my mind, I do know.
Do anything you have to for love.
A chance, taking a chance, is a progression.
Luck always, love always,
Stay safe, positive and happy.
love you xxoo
It's the first time in my life I'm not symbiotic with, nay, BLENDED with my computer. It spends days off, sometimes. I'm almost sans screen, albeit for hours of work related tinkering (about 8hrs a day) plussed with the interim time on my mobile phone .. almost no technology!
I'm kidding myself thinking that I'm san screen, though the main point is, I'm living life without internet social networking. A shock? Definitely, to me.
And it sounds like you're starting to cross the de-hibernation roadblock too. You're out!! Out of that DIABOLICAL MIND DAMPENING JOB!
Congratulations! x 1000
I like your carpe diem attitude to sex. It's true. To make a decision about a man based on sex, when feelings like yours are as strong as they are would be to absolutely jump the theoretical gun.
And, on the topic of runaway lovers, unfortunately I'm no help. I'm actually .. well, no one knows about him yet, but my ... erm .. lover? Is leaving the country forever in March.
What's a girl to do?
I love him, he's amazing, but it's ... still early enough to stop this before we even make it .. .'official.'
I can't chose .. defenses up? Or let fate drag me onward towards uncertain doom?
Love eternally battles me. Though I'll never, ever, and now especially, (after recent occurrences which I'll divulge in a place not so public [althought it's really not that important, just, basically goss on the love life,]) give up.
Don't give up.
I've changed my mind, I do know.
Do anything you have to for love.
A chance, taking a chance, is a progression.
Luck always, love always,
Stay safe, positive and happy.
love you xxoo