haha i just found a awesome old sci fi movie I remembered as a kid but could never remember the name of its called Laserblast made in 1978
Now I just have to find it online.
Been reading about all of these guys http://www.copblock.org/ and thier fights, basic human rights for freedom.. its been a real eye opener.
Thinking about how often we give up our rights so things go easy and quickly when we encounter a law officer.
Just made me think. what do they say.. "give an inch and they'll take a mile" or some such.
funny timing... i was walking to get my kids from daycare last night and got stopped by a cop for no apparent reason. he pulled over and motioned me to his window. the conversation went like this:
cop: "where are you going tonight?"
me: "i fail to see how that's any of your concern..."
cop: "are we going to have a problem here?"
me: "i hope not. have i done anything illegal? do i fit the description of a suspect you're looking for?"
cop (stammering): "well, no...:
me (leaning around to look at the cruiser's plate number and then pretending to type on my phone): "good. then have a nice night"
Well I got on day shift.. my body is not happy with me.. but its so much better. the day flys by and i have full nights to do things.. the weekends seem longed to.. its all win.
Asked for a transfer to day shift a week ago.. yesterday they told me I will move to days as soon as they get a night replacement.. woot ! keep your fingers crossed for me that it all comes off well.. and SOON !
Its hard to have any kinda "normal" life when your personal time is split in half.
jefer would have a nerd boner w you!!