A new couple has arrived in my leopard gecko breeding!
These two a boy and a girl of a year and a half. Their morph is called super snow.
They are sub-adults because this particular morph takes longer to grow than the others😊
They are beautiful right? 😍
I am in love with it!💕
Ps: And today another egg hatched from those I had incubated from another couple I have! I filmed the sweet scene as the little one came out😍 Because every new life is magic!
PPS: For those who want to follow my page PROJECT_GECO you will find all the photos of my little ones🥰

@rubymoon 🥰 It is not very difficult, but like any animal it needs some observations for example, always check when they shed if there is no skin left that they cannot remove, do not overeat them so as not to become fat🐷 And always keep the right temperature being cold-blooded animals! But they are really beautiful♥️

oddio ma anche tu hai dei rettili <3