O man tonight I had dinner at ali_bugs fathers (daddis) and damn was the food good
i felt like i could eat the whole damn house it smelled so yummie. (i didnt of course)
i swear that he makes the best damn gravey i have ever had im pretty sure that it just comes out of a box with some mistery ingredients added but who cares it was good
i got to listen to him talk about his trip to china and how there was no way he would at a chiken leg and there was like a strip mall that just served exotic foods
the whole strip different kinds of food kinda sounds like heaven to me
he said thta they had like fried crow and weird shit like so i want to go there now so that i can try scorpion
'could you imagine eating a scorpion i remember when i used to clean them out of my dads pool but i never imagined that i would want to try to eat it tonight when i heard that though i was intregued i think that ali_bug and i will have to take a trip there sometime this year she can only come along if she is going to be adventurous and eat some really weired shit with me (hehe too bad for you love)
so what is the weirdest food that you have ever eaten??
no idea what mine is
(i have this odd facination with putting an h at the end of idea its really buggin me
i felt like i could eat the whole damn house it smelled so yummie. (i didnt of course)
i swear that he makes the best damn gravey i have ever had im pretty sure that it just comes out of a box with some mistery ingredients added but who cares it was good
i got to listen to him talk about his trip to china and how there was no way he would at a chiken leg and there was like a strip mall that just served exotic foods
the whole strip different kinds of food kinda sounds like heaven to me
he said thta they had like fried crow and weird shit like so i want to go there now so that i can try scorpion
'could you imagine eating a scorpion i remember when i used to clean them out of my dads pool but i never imagined that i would want to try to eat it tonight when i heard that though i was intregued i think that ali_bug and i will have to take a trip there sometime this year she can only come along if she is going to be adventurous and eat some really weired shit with me (hehe too bad for you love)
so what is the weirdest food that you have ever eaten??
no idea what mine is
(i have this odd facination with putting an h at the end of idea its really buggin me

To China we will go!!!
But i'm NOT going to eat sorpions!! EWWWW!
I REALLY want to go traveling! SOOOO badly! It seems like i'm the ONLY ONE who hasn't left Canada! GAH horrible!