Martin's Funeral Requirements
It's the ex-goth in me But heading towards my36th Birthday, it's not an unreasonable train of thought The knees ache, the mind wobbles (amongst other things), I'm not as snake hipped as I used to be. I own a Chris Rea record.I could go at any minute
But, I digress Should I pop my clogs, please can someone ensure that the following happens:
My Tombstone reads: Told You I was Sick
The songs played at my funeral must be (this is an ever changing list so be sure to keep checking back from time to time)
1. I Believe In you - Talk Talk
2. Caught beneath your heel - Mojave 3
3. Far from Me - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
4. Springs Near - Parsley Sound
5. Bewitched - Luna
6. Dark Days - Stuart Staples
My cats need to be looked after. Any takers?
Sally - She's my girl. She is moody, cries a lot, won't let you touch her, hates everyone. Reminds me of someone, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Mogli - My gay cat. He likes interior decorating, flower arranging and has a spotlessly clean arse.
Vince Noir - Has mental issues, likes swimming.
Stella - A bit needy, but sweet. Has an arse cleaning problem (note to self, have a word with Mogli)
Lo Boob Oscillator
It's the ex-goth in me But heading towards my36th Birthday, it's not an unreasonable train of thought The knees ache, the mind wobbles (amongst other things), I'm not as snake hipped as I used to be. I own a Chris Rea record.I could go at any minute
But, I digress Should I pop my clogs, please can someone ensure that the following happens:
My Tombstone reads: Told You I was Sick
The songs played at my funeral must be (this is an ever changing list so be sure to keep checking back from time to time)
1. I Believe In you - Talk Talk
2. Caught beneath your heel - Mojave 3
3. Far from Me - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
4. Springs Near - Parsley Sound
5. Bewitched - Luna
6. Dark Days - Stuart Staples
My cats need to be looked after. Any takers?
Sally - She's my girl. She is moody, cries a lot, won't let you touch her, hates everyone. Reminds me of someone, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Mogli - My gay cat. He likes interior decorating, flower arranging and has a spotlessly clean arse.
Vince Noir - Has mental issues, likes swimming.
Stella - A bit needy, but sweet. Has an arse cleaning problem (note to self, have a word with Mogli)
Lo Boob Oscillator
We really missed you on Sunday arvie
Maybe see you at Red Room on Saturday night?? (Check out SGZA for more info...)
PS. Cool new profile pic