Hehe, i love iTunes.. LOVE IT.

It rained like a motherfucking son of a gun today.. Bzzxxttt all over town. The Bus was sure smelly and S...L...O...W..
ITS JUST WATER FALLING FROM THE HEAVENS PEOPLE, REMAIN CALM!!!! I swear its all you fucking Californians.

The projext i shot over the weekend turned out good..according to me. tongue I'll hook my scanner up and see if i...
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Hey now The northern cali's know how to deal with the rain ...wish I could say that for the well most so cal peoples
in desprite need right now to many fires about
It sure is fun to sleep alone.. frown
Ho man.. KMFDM concert was fucking awesomeo! PiG makes me want to be a rock star..but im not as sexy as him.. he's my hero, though. =] I'm exhausted, beaten, wasted and dead.. But the ringing in my ears will surely keep me up another hour or so.. WWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

I like the new site, it's fucking hot. I just dont care for the silly banner art up top whatever

School makes me hot too... but also tired.. VERY tired.. ZZzZZZzZZ on the bus. My studio teacher suggested Flintstone vitamins.. hehe chew-E.
The show last nite wasnt too bad.. though the give away's were.. well crap. Oversized sweatshirts from companies ive never heard of. Other than that.. it was more than worth the 6 dollars i paid to get it. heh.

Freak Night 7 tickets went on sale yesterday morning and they're only 30 dollars. Considering that the show starts at 8pm and runs to 5am AND...
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i started school already, i couldn't wait, but now i am sick of it already... shocking
Got my KMFDM ticket ordered. Im very excited to see the boys live.. its been ages since i went to a real life concert. Mommy told me i could stay at home while i went to school. Which.. i really dont mind. It wont cost me anything.. to live, except for school things, and my bus pass. BUSSSSSzz. Oh well..

Also, i stopped going to...
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I love SportsNight.. its the best TV show ever. smile
you should show up to a seattle event eh? biggrin
If you ever have an event going on in the day.. id be happy to visit.