I bought the Cowboy Bebop. i feel better. smile
movie. I bought the series DVD set 6 months ago or so..
Psychedelic mindfuck slowprancing zombielama was fucking GENIUS! biggrin
Can i use the "when it rains it pours" cliche' now? My little brother fell off a 30 foot ledge onto concrete and is now wheelchair bound for the next 2-3 months with fractures and broken bones all over. Plus, ive been running a high 100+ temp with some nasty viral infection, And then my roomate's car was stolen, which had a nice stack of...
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So i cussed out the lady in HR today. They have me working 8 days in a row, with a day off before 5 more days in a row. 'Somehow' the way the schedule is set up, i wont get any overtime. She left a message on my machine saying my 10-2 shift on Friday had turned into a 10-6.. so i had my way...
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i wish i had the "I work too much problem" but mine is kinda the same i have the"I work too much for my shitty pay check" problem hey i hope everything works out

I have a friend in tacoma and i think its a cool place to visit how is it to like there?
I guess i should clarify.. i work too much FOR a shitty paycheck. =/

I like tacoma.. its small and clean and theres plenty to do. smile
WOW.. i fucking hate you Bon-Macy's. They schedule me for 16 hours each week, then call me at 830 each and every day.. "please come in for an 8 hour shift!" And by please they mean, "fucking come in now or your fired"

At least its money..
DJ noir - live mix
3pm - 4pm pst

[you need to have winamp, quicktime, etc to connect to the shoutcast server. Simply open the link above in your media player.]
Super Action music, GO! Im not sure if its odd..or..what. but i browse through SG whenever i live mix. I just thought id post..about it.. dont mind me.
Oh my.. I'm back. The week went by entirely TOO FUCKING fast. ::woosh:: I had a great time, and im very tan. I'm trying to find something to eat now, as i unpack.

Im supposed to go up to seattle this week to finalize some school paperwork. EXCITING, seriously smile
where'd you go? huh huh huh?

and where are you going to school?
I went to the Oregon Coast with family and friends. Aaaaand here. http://ais.edu
Birthday today.. Went shopping with mums. I'll get my camera tomorrow, but im leaving for the ocean for a week at 8am.. so maybe when i get back, i'll have things to show. I do love holidays..just not getting ready for them. Mow the lawn, water everything, wash/iron clothes, blah blah, Cant i just be on the beach already?

I'm going to watch Best in...
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