i've been having a lot of humbling moments lately, so rather than keep updating that every day, i decided to give a brief synopsis:
today - realizing i don't have the knowhow, patience, or steady hand to successfully install a car stereo
last night - realizing that my social ineptitude & anxiety prevents me from meeting any chicks on my own & i just may be forced to bite the bullet & start paying more attention to some of my co-workers that have seemed to be extra friendly towards me, even though i'm strongly opposed to mixing my job & my personal life
yesterday - having to clean up adrian the cat's puke when i was running late for work
monday - getting scraped, bruised & spraining my ankle while twice attempting to do a stupid ghost ride trick on my mountain bike in front of a couple friends
sunday - burning off a patch of my armhair grilling up some burgers outside
saturday - showing up late to a bbq with a case of beer & a dimebag where nobody else really wanted to party
5/7 - dropping my wallet in a urinal, having to fish it out & decide which cards didn't have too much piss on them to not throw away
5/6 - burning part of my mustache hair while lighting up a joint at the el-p show in detroit
4/5-5/5 - having my car in the shop & being forced to bum rides, bike, bus & walk to do anything, not to mention having $50 a month added to my car payments until next july, when the car itself probably isn't even worth the $340 i'll be stuck paying monthly til then!
today - realizing i don't have the knowhow, patience, or steady hand to successfully install a car stereo
last night - realizing that my social ineptitude & anxiety prevents me from meeting any chicks on my own & i just may be forced to bite the bullet & start paying more attention to some of my co-workers that have seemed to be extra friendly towards me, even though i'm strongly opposed to mixing my job & my personal life
yesterday - having to clean up adrian the cat's puke when i was running late for work
monday - getting scraped, bruised & spraining my ankle while twice attempting to do a stupid ghost ride trick on my mountain bike in front of a couple friends
sunday - burning off a patch of my armhair grilling up some burgers outside
saturday - showing up late to a bbq with a case of beer & a dimebag where nobody else really wanted to party
5/7 - dropping my wallet in a urinal, having to fish it out & decide which cards didn't have too much piss on them to not throw away
5/6 - burning part of my mustache hair while lighting up a joint at the el-p show in detroit
4/5-5/5 - having my car in the shop & being forced to bum rides, bike, bus & walk to do anything, not to mention having $50 a month added to my car payments until next july, when the car itself probably isn't even worth the $340 i'll be stuck paying monthly til then!
And don't sweat the BBQ. It's all good. I'm just glad that you came out.