my 67 year old dad & 59 year old mom are talking about getting a divorce! seriously. what's the point? neither of them can afford to live on their own. they're better off being roommates, like they have been for, idunno the last 20 years! my dad asked me if he'd be able to move into my place for a while! what in the hell? my place isn't conducive to roommates, especially to church-aholic mentally abusive annoying old dudes. ay yi yi. they're my folks & i love 'em, but what are they thinking?
my favorite album right now is juggaknots 'use your confusion'.
my favorite album right now is juggaknots 'use your confusion'.
BTW what is the status on Cinco de Mayo? What time will you be out there? I'll have to line up a ride probably so let me know.