the show last night kicked a ridiculous amount of ass!!! nobody wanted to go on stage after us, ahahaha..... you all have a chance to venture out of hibernation & redeem yourselves by bearing witness to this next show on wednesday. BE THERE!
The line about George Bush drinking the blood of Iraqi children made me literally SCREAM with laughter. I really liked the Borat movie better than the Borat on the show- which is the opposite of the Ali G movie- which I thought was slightly terrible, but I really love him on the show. Is he going to do a Bruno feature I wonder...?
K-Os... Do you know what time he will be going on around? I hope that he isn't first because doors are so damned early and I work until 4. Also I have one of those jobs where you have to shower after work...also I have to make the 45 minute trip to GR. But see me you will. My name's April...if you see me hollER...punch me in the back of the neck, something.