So life was going pretty good.
it appears it was time to poop on my happiness again.
Job isnt bad, and i got a new one. Im transferring to starbucks in the city, im gonna get a raise and im cutting down my hours. and im also living in a beautiful door man building now. my mothers friends mother is 90 and not so healthy. she has a home health aid during the day, and now my mothers friend is paying me to stay there at night. so im getting paid to be a room mate basically, and its like 4 blocks from my college. so thats awesome.
classes are good too, im pretty much getting straight A's in all my classes. and i have alot of awesome friends, and even alot of plans for the month of october. which usually doesnt happen, i dont go out too much. i need to make a bigger effort to go out and even meet new people. and even just stay in contact with old friends.
and things with my boyfriend are going good too. hes nice, and considerate and really seems to like me. my crazy ex hasnt bothered me in quite some time either. my boyfriend even gets along with my friends, and tries to hang out with me and them pretty often.
so why did this happen? why did i have to make this choice.
it appears it was time to poop on my happiness again.
Job isnt bad, and i got a new one. Im transferring to starbucks in the city, im gonna get a raise and im cutting down my hours. and im also living in a beautiful door man building now. my mothers friends mother is 90 and not so healthy. she has a home health aid during the day, and now my mothers friend is paying me to stay there at night. so im getting paid to be a room mate basically, and its like 4 blocks from my college. so thats awesome.
classes are good too, im pretty much getting straight A's in all my classes. and i have alot of awesome friends, and even alot of plans for the month of october. which usually doesnt happen, i dont go out too much. i need to make a bigger effort to go out and even meet new people. and even just stay in contact with old friends.
and things with my boyfriend are going good too. hes nice, and considerate and really seems to like me. my crazy ex hasnt bothered me in quite some time either. my boyfriend even gets along with my friends, and tries to hang out with me and them pretty often.
so why did this happen? why did i have to make this choice.
Hun, call me. Do you still have my number?
i know we've never spoken before, but i've seen you around in sgny. i was once in a situation you were in, and if you need someone to talk to who has been there already, i'd be more than happy to.