All in favor of going home say oink bok miao...
fuck this job. i miss my cat, my dog, my friends, my awesome super comfy bed.
I got accepted into the faculty of education. but this means that i have a decision to make whether to finish my arts degree first and get an ed after degree, or just to go in right now. let's see what happens.
i gotta pay tuition soon... money... expensive...

fuck this job. i miss my cat, my dog, my friends, my awesome super comfy bed.
I got accepted into the faculty of education. but this means that i have a decision to make whether to finish my arts degree first and get an ed after degree, or just to go in right now. let's see what happens.
i gotta pay tuition soon... money... expensive...


well, I could let you work the corner next to me, seeing as how I've almost paid off all of my school debt...

just looked at your pictures, doesn't seem like a weight problem thingy......Pose Maudit....and the concert pictures are decent...Andreas