omg I'm sore. Got my Y membership yesterday and I have been 3 times already, lol. Me and Josh went yesterday morning, then my friend Angela asked me to take a bodypump class with her last night, well I got there early and got all set up and her and her other workout buddy were late! So I did the class solo. Brave me! But I wasn't feeling bad this morning so I got up and busted out some moves on the treadmill. Already sore now but got a lot of work to do! And my birthday is Monday, yay! Last year of my 20's. Hopefully I will be MARRIED by the end of this last year, ordered a new ring set for my birthday too. Good times. Now if only I would hear back from a certain someone who is halfway around the world. Everytime I hear about another screaming eagle killed I cry. If something happens to him...I couldn't handle it.
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 04, 2007
So I'm officially skinnier than I was in high school. I dunno, must b… -
Thursday Nov 29, 2007
Spent the day with him today. All is well on that front for now. I fe… -
Monday Nov 26, 2007
so I got ditched by the boy today. His ex who he is best friends with… -
Monday Nov 26, 2007
Well I'm sitting around waiting to go hang with the boy. He got off w… -
Thursday Nov 22, 2007
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Monday Nov 19, 2007
I miss Keri! She was one of my fave SG's and I loved reading her post… -
Saturday Nov 17, 2007
Well the preliminary interview went alright. I hate selling myself to… -
Thursday Nov 15, 2007
So tomorrow...I got a "preliminary phone interview" with Earth Fare, … -
Monday Nov 12, 2007 birthday is next thursday...yep, Thanksgiving! cept, it … -
Saturday Nov 10, 2007
So I believe I am supposed to make a phone call today. Well, I was to…