I blog too much. Can't sleep and I have to be up in 6 hours. Blah. But that's what Red Bull is for right?
Well I have no one to talk to anymore, so I just talk here I guess. Veronica Mars is not coming back. Gilmore Girls is not coming back, and who knows about Scrubs???? My tv life is about over.
I've got my window open. Hopefully traffic on Merrimon isn't too loud tonight. Just a bunch of scooters driving by. Good ole Asheville. I had to reactivate my old phone. My nice chocolate keeps fuckin up and the verizon people are NO help. Of course nothing happens when I'm at the store! And I've been smoking in my room, I don't like it but there are always these tiny red spiders all over the front porch and I refuse to sit out there! It's alright though, my sister is gone for four weeks.
I'm okay. I just wish I had some answers. I don't get it. Once again. I try not to think about it, but it's hard when you're all alone. I wonder if my crazy stalker bitch is sitting around telling him a bunch of lies about me. I can't think of any other reason why he wouldn't talk to me. But he's stupid if he believes anything that comes out of her fat ass mouth. I can call her fat. She calls me ugly everytime she starts a fight with me. I know she's retarded crazy but it still stings and makes me self conscious. Like yeah, he chose her over me because I'm ugly. Like I'm not good enough for him to have sex with me when he's sober. He needs those beer goggles.
Well my cat is crying for attention. He's so needy. I guess I'll go cuddle, watch season 3 of the OC, and try to sleep.
Gnite all.
Well I have no one to talk to anymore, so I just talk here I guess. Veronica Mars is not coming back. Gilmore Girls is not coming back, and who knows about Scrubs???? My tv life is about over.
I've got my window open. Hopefully traffic on Merrimon isn't too loud tonight. Just a bunch of scooters driving by. Good ole Asheville. I had to reactivate my old phone. My nice chocolate keeps fuckin up and the verizon people are NO help. Of course nothing happens when I'm at the store! And I've been smoking in my room, I don't like it but there are always these tiny red spiders all over the front porch and I refuse to sit out there! It's alright though, my sister is gone for four weeks.
I'm okay. I just wish I had some answers. I don't get it. Once again. I try not to think about it, but it's hard when you're all alone. I wonder if my crazy stalker bitch is sitting around telling him a bunch of lies about me. I can't think of any other reason why he wouldn't talk to me. But he's stupid if he believes anything that comes out of her fat ass mouth. I can call her fat. She calls me ugly everytime she starts a fight with me. I know she's retarded crazy but it still stings and makes me self conscious. Like yeah, he chose her over me because I'm ugly. Like I'm not good enough for him to have sex with me when he's sober. He needs those beer goggles.
Well my cat is crying for attention. He's so needy. I guess I'll go cuddle, watch season 3 of the OC, and try to sleep.
Gnite all.
damn lucky cat!!!!! hun first things first...you are not ugly!!!!!this guy is a totall fuckin moron for not wanting to be with you! i know my heart skips a beat everytime i see your profile pic come up in the blogs. secondly shes the bitch and not worth you even thinking of her. thirdly if he does not want to be with you then fuck him **and i dont mean in a good way either!** you can do a hell of a lot better without him. you always have us here in sg ** i know its not much but hey! we are here for you** and im always a email away or a phone call away if you need a ear to chew on!!! hugs sweetie. still think your cat is one lucky pussy!!!!!!!
WTF?!?!? Veronica Mars isn't coming back?!?!?
Bullshit! See this is why Network TV sucks - the better the show, the more likely it will be cancelled
C'mon...can't they move to cable?