Okay, the quality of this pic isn't great, i took it with my phone, but sadly enough it was better quality than my digital camera!!!
This is my view from the front steps of my apartment, I thought it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Not so great in the picture, but I thought I might share it anyway. The moon was just starting to rise over the mountain, and it was right behind this house at the top, it just looked amazing!!! I'm a dork. Anyway...
This is my view from the front steps of my apartment, I thought it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Not so great in the picture, but I thought I might share it anyway. The moon was just starting to rise over the mountain, and it was right behind this house at the top, it just looked amazing!!! I'm a dork. Anyway...

I can't see anything.
I have a terrible view for my bedroom.
I never thought about leaving my parent's house, but some days ago I thought it could be so great. If I could buy my own place, definitely I would look for the higher, with a great view.
That's Mt.Hood in the back there. It hangs over the eastern skyline in a very hallucinatory manner some days.