So I haven't had a day off work since last Sunday. I had to go in at 7 this morning, which of course was actually like 6. But luckily I had a bit of overtime to cut off so I got to leave early. Now I have Mon and Tues off, and I was hoping to go visit my friend out in Tennessee. But of course, for whatever reason, he's been ignoring/avoiding me. I feel like he doesn't want me to be around him anymore. I don't know what I did this time, but I'm tired of not knowing. I don't like not being in control. I'm not a controlling person, I just like structure. I like to know what's happening. I make plans, I'm punctual, and to my great dismay, overanalytical. If thats a word. I think too much. I freak out about the little things. I wanted sooooooo bad to drink tonight. I was so close to it, but I didn't. I held back, I don't want to go back down that path. Unfortunately, since I got ripped on my tats I can't afford to get another one. So I'm thinking of changing the hair again. First I thought about dyeing it, but I'm thinking about cutting it all off instead. This is what happens when I feel angry. I dye my hair. cut it, get drunk. So now it's down to cutting. Always then I want it to grow long again, but when I get to this length I'm at now, I get too frustrated and end up cutting it again. What to do, what to do. I'll probably cut it. Since I have the next two days off, and I still don't have friends here, and I was not wanted or welcome in TN, something is gonna change. I'd go shopping, but I don't get to wear much more than my Ingles shirt. Not very interesting blog. blah.

Just relax and enjoy the time off. Don't sweat the other stuff!

Sometimes people are inconsiderate and unreliable. Sometimes they'll be there for you, other times they won't. Accept their behavior as part of who they are, not a reflection of who you are to them. Unless you are talking about a relationship. Then it's probably time to find some distractions and let them figure out what they want on their own. In the meantime, have fun with your hair on your days off.