What you resist persists and what you look at disappears and what you hold and embrace you make your own. What you make your own no longer resist you. That's why masters never resist the opposite of who they are. Rather they see it as the grandest blessing. Bring on the opposite. Bring on that which I am not. For I will not only welcome that which I am not I will merge and become so much a pat of it, that it will bless that which I am and cause it to have grand expression.
All the universe is is a field. It is a field of experience, a field of expression. Life expressing life itself. It's a contrasting field, a field of contrasting elements. It is only with in this field of contrasting elements that any particular element can know and define itself as what it really is. That's true in the "Relative universe"
In the "Realm of the Absolute" such a contrasting field is not necessary nor is it even possible. Cause the realm of the absolute is by definition absolutely what it is. Cause there is nothing else. And we call that God.
In the beginning there was all that is. And all there is is all there was and there was nothing else except all that is. And it was very good. But its all there was and there was nothing else. And yet it saw to know itself in its own experience. And so it looked outside of itself for something other than what it was so it might know itself in it's own experience. But it could find nothing outside of itself other than what it was cause there was nothing outside of itself and there was nothing other than what it was. Because it was all there is and there was nothing else. How then to know itself in its utter magnificence and so that which we call god ceased to look outside of itself for there was no place outside of its self to look. It there fore looked with in that it might know itself. Not incidentally such a bad idea should you chose to know yourself to look with in and not without. For those who fail to go with in, go with out.
And so God looked with in and in the interior of that which is god did god see all the magnificence for which it searched and it literally imploded meaning God turned herself inside out for us. Imploded into a thousand gazillion different parts. Going here and there and up and down and left and right and then all of a sudden here and there left and right was created. Fast and slow and big and small were suddenly created in that glorious moment in that first thought that produced god in its gazillion elements. That each one of the elements racing from the center and a thing that we now call speed and created the illusion that we now call time. Each of the elements could now look back at all the rest of god and say, my god how wonderous thou art.
All the universe is is a field. It is a field of experience, a field of expression. Life expressing life itself. It's a contrasting field, a field of contrasting elements. It is only with in this field of contrasting elements that any particular element can know and define itself as what it really is. That's true in the "Relative universe"
In the "Realm of the Absolute" such a contrasting field is not necessary nor is it even possible. Cause the realm of the absolute is by definition absolutely what it is. Cause there is nothing else. And we call that God.
In the beginning there was all that is. And all there is is all there was and there was nothing else except all that is. And it was very good. But its all there was and there was nothing else. And yet it saw to know itself in its own experience. And so it looked outside of itself for something other than what it was so it might know itself in it's own experience. But it could find nothing outside of itself other than what it was cause there was nothing outside of itself and there was nothing other than what it was. Because it was all there is and there was nothing else. How then to know itself in its utter magnificence and so that which we call god ceased to look outside of itself for there was no place outside of its self to look. It there fore looked with in that it might know itself. Not incidentally such a bad idea should you chose to know yourself to look with in and not without. For those who fail to go with in, go with out.
And so God looked with in and in the interior of that which is god did god see all the magnificence for which it searched and it literally imploded meaning God turned herself inside out for us. Imploded into a thousand gazillion different parts. Going here and there and up and down and left and right and then all of a sudden here and there left and right was created. Fast and slow and big and small were suddenly created in that glorious moment in that first thought that produced god in its gazillion elements. That each one of the elements racing from the center and a thing that we now call speed and created the illusion that we now call time. Each of the elements could now look back at all the rest of god and say, my god how wonderous thou art.