It just really sucks to be broke and in credit card debt! To be grown up is hard sometimes and it's funny because when your seventeen years old that is all you can think about being an adult. Boy, if could of known the troubles that follow adulthood. Not to complain because all happenings in my life I wouldn't change. I have a good job and decent pay but again if I would of not of been carried away with credit cards I would be in pretty good shape. Maybe buy that 102 year old house with the wrap around porch that isn't really priced badly or maybe instead of buying the lower priced new car I could of bought the 30,000 one instead. I don't mean to sound greedy or materialistic because I'm really not. Just thoughts that run through my head when financial issues arise. I know it will be alright and happen when it is suppost to putting the thoughts down.
im still paying off the credit card debts i accumulated over my younger years, lucky for me i found CCCS which allows me to only make one monthly payment to them a month! credit cards are eviil!