A picta for you that my friend kiwi took outside her house. Its been a month since i've worked and i'm sooo broke. I'm gonna try and do some under the table jobs until October until ei kicks in. I haven't been on EI before and I figure i'm going to stay on it for a few months and just take it easy and relax before looking for another full time job. I'm not even sure what I want to do. I know i've done my time for the last 9 years going non stop so i just wanna little breather and enjoy life a little more.
Band stuff is going good except we lost one of my best friends and guitar player Ash, so we're looking for a new guitar player//back up vocals. It sucks cause it's puts a tamper with moving forward and playing more gigs with the band until someone else learns those songs. Our two other shows were cancelled due to shitty promotiion, but heres the next one... come check it out, it will be wicked awesome.
oooOoooo and!!... here is a design that was made for us for our t-shirts
there are a few more designs for stickers, pins etc.. but i was pretty stoked on this design. My idea being made is a mascara tube with glorywhore written in neon pink.
hmm, nothing else really i dont think.
sounds like SUCH a plan! mmmmm.....zombie!!!
you always look so incredable, hope the band stuff gets sorted!xx