Holy cow batman
Its been a while since I last updated, so i figured im due for a random rambling.
Time has gone pretty effin fast this last couple of weeks with getting ready to go on my trip. I'v been doing lots of running around getting my travel shots, work visa, and all that other jazz ya gotta do when leaving the Country for a couple months..but finally things have slowed down some and now to await my departure.
In between it all i've been busy finishing up recording with my band glorywhore and getting the final touches down on the last two songs that will be going on the 5 song E.P. were doing. Gonna get both vinyl and cd's done and pins of course mwah.
Miss aleidra was dahhhling to take some pics of the band

If you wanna have a listen you can have a boo on myspace http:/www.myspace.com/gloryho
I just bought a macbook so i can finally communicate with the rest of the world instead of going to cafe and stealing signals from the people upstairs on my piece of crap pc.
Its been crazy hot out on my side of the woods and hating it. def looking foward to the fall when i can kick around the leaves, put on my polka dot gum boots and jump in some puddles.


Time has gone pretty effin fast this last couple of weeks with getting ready to go on my trip. I'v been doing lots of running around getting my travel shots, work visa, and all that other jazz ya gotta do when leaving the Country for a couple months..but finally things have slowed down some and now to await my departure.
In between it all i've been busy finishing up recording with my band glorywhore and getting the final touches down on the last two songs that will be going on the 5 song E.P. were doing. Gonna get both vinyl and cd's done and pins of course mwah.
Miss aleidra was dahhhling to take some pics of the band

If you wanna have a listen you can have a boo on myspace http:/www.myspace.com/gloryho
I just bought a macbook so i can finally communicate with the rest of the world instead of going to cafe and stealing signals from the people upstairs on my piece of crap pc.
Its been crazy hot out on my side of the woods and hating it. def looking foward to the fall when i can kick around the leaves, put on my polka dot gum boots and jump in some puddles.


It's unfair that you're so hot.
aww thanks sweetie, your a gorgeous gorgeous girl!!!