Sunday Sep 09, 2007 Sep 9, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm overly excited, "tear my heart out" got accepted!!! Lavonne, thanks..PinK, I am.. for the set to queue, enjoy! VIEW 16 of 16 COMMENTS ilsa: You're so pretty. Can't wait to see your set! Sep 16, 2007 sonofapunk: Congratu-freaking-lations! So what's this people in my local area are telling me about - some sort of burlesque troupe? Hmmm? I'll definately see you around, dudette. (And if you consider yourself rad, join this group: Take care!) Sep 18, 2007
So what's this people in my local area are telling me about - some sort of burlesque troupe? Hmmm?
I'll definately see you around, dudette.
(And if you consider yourself rad, join this group: Take care!)